Marla & Brian
January 18, 2020
Though your presence in our lives and (hopefully :)) at our wedding celebration is the only gift we need, we have put together a small registry to help us take our honeymoon this spring. Thank you so much!
5 gifts
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Round Trip Plane Tickets to Maui
Our featured fund
The best seat-mate! <3
Cash fund
Round Trip Plane Tickets to Maui
Contribute what you wish
Romantic Dinner
Group gift
Let's try some of that Hawaiian Food!!!
Cash fund
Romantic Dinner
Contribute what you wish
Honeymoon Hotel
Group gift
Planning on make sure that Marla has a roof to stay warm.
Cash fund
Honeymoon Hotel
Contribute what you wish
Snorkeling with the Sea Turtles
Group gift
Gotta visit our sea turtling friends while we're there! #moana4life
Cash fund
Snorkeling with the Sea Turtles
Contribute what you wish
Australia wildfire donation
Group gift
While we are so fortunate happy to be celebrating such a joyous day, our hearts our heavy with happenings around the world of late. We'd love to make a donation to help our friends down under, particularly the brave folks saving wildlife.
Cash fund
Australia wildfire donation
Contribute what you wish
For all the days along the way
Start your wedding registry

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