Flashback to 2019 — Kelly was living in Philadelphia after starting a new job and Brandon had just moved into his new place in the city. After a girls weekend in Naples, FL, Kelly received a message from Brandon through the online dating world. Tall, dark and handsome as ever! The two found themselves chatting all day — avoiding all of their responsibilities. That same day, November 17, 2019 they met at a local beer garden, Frankford Hall, watched the Eagles get defeated, and battled it out in some ping pong. Yes, Kelly won 😉 That Sunday afternoon turned into daily weeknight dinners and truly became the start of their journey together — their days were inseparable. As the world struggled through a pandemic in the start of 2020, Kelly and Brandon never took those days for granted — attached at the hip was right where they wanted to be. Almost 2 years later, it was time to move out of the city. Kelly & Brandon took the opportunity to relocate to Fort Myers, Florida in 2021. On their 3rd dating anniversary, they spent the weekend exploring Downtown Fort Myers but Brandon had other plans in mind. Just as they entered their hotel room, Brandon proposed on November 18, 2022. Kelly and Brandon have since bought their first home together and are beyond excited for this next chapter in life as husband and wife. 🧡 Fun Fact: Kelly & Brandon's honeymoon will be their FIRST vacation together!