
Emma & William

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Emma Ness and William Anderson
The Funky Fresh Fabulous Friends

William Anderson


As the love of Emma's life, William was chosen to be the groom in this wedding. He is really cool. You should get to know him.

Emma Ness


The Loche Ness Monster has been caught! William's love, she is a wonderful person and the bride.

Maddy Farnham

Maid of Honor

Maddy is Emma's beautiful and caring friend and roommate. She is a wonderfully bright and exuberant personality and has been a huge support to Emma throughout their years in college. She is currently studying English at George Fox University.

Mark Berglin

Best Man

William's friend and roommate. Mark has been a teammate, co-prankster, and co-president to William during their time at Fox. Mark is a colorful and fun fellow with interests from swords to manning the mandolin. Mark recently graduated from George Fox with his bachelor's in mechanical engineering.

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