
Whitney & Derek

    Wedding Party
Monstera LeafMonstera Leaf

Wedding Party

Christian Salvito

Best Man

Christian has been, and always will be, my right-hand man. We knew each other in middle school, but once we got to high school, we were inseparable (we even had our high school graduation party together and wore matching outfits). In high school, we also played soccer together. Christian led the team in scoring points, but you can guess who led the team in assists for all of those goals. As life progressed from undergrad to grad school, to eventually starting our careers, Christian and I always tackled every challenge that life tried to throw at us. It is a very reassuring feeling knowing that at the end of the day, Christian will always be in my corner, for the rest of my life.

Alexander Farrow


It’s funny, I knew of Alex in high school because we wrestled in the same winter tournament each year, but on different teams. Of course, we didn’t wrestle each other, but I remember him dogging the kid on my team pretty badly each time. Then when I got into college we ended up on the same wrestling team. Alex and I lived in the same dorm freshman year, but he lived a floor above me. As time progressed, Alex became my roommate during the second semester of my sophomore year until graduation. One thing that I will always appreciate about Alex is that he tells me exactly how it is and keeps me in check. Plus, I know at any given moment, he could dog on me too.

Mark Carosella


I ended up meeting Mark in college because we were both on the wrestling team together. Our first interaction was goofy, we were in a pre-season workout running together, but we ended up just walking at the end and talked about the Sims (video game) the whole time. After that moment, we immediately became friends. Throughout college, we always gamed together but I also have vivid memories of going to almost every single one of his MMA fights. A characteristic of Mark’s that I will always look up to is his mindset when it comes to working hard toward a goal. Sometimes in life, you just need to shut up and up put your nose to the grindstone. 

Noah Messerall


Noah and I wrestled together on a club team in high school. By random chance, Noah ended up visiting Heidelberg as a recruit for the wrestling team during my freshman year. I believe he ended up committing to Heidelberg because I was there (or at least that is what I’m telling myself). One thing that I can rely on is Noah being down to do whatever. I can always depend on Noah coming through, hyping everyone up, and being the life of the party. But above all of that, I know that at any given moment, Noah would drop everything and be there for me in a heartbeat, no matter what. 

Steven Murray


Steven and I originally became friends because we wrestled together throughout college. Even though we wrestled together, the majority of the time we spent together was off the mat. Steven is easily one of the most down to Earth people that I am blessed to have as a close friend. Whether it is exploring a city or just hanging around a fire together, I know it’ll always be an incredible atmosphere. Steven really pushed me to be open-minded in my life and I know that he’ll always support me unconditionally. Through thick and thin, I know for a fact, Steven will always have my back. 

Jason Gaston


Jason and I became friends in college through our friend, Tommy. When it comes to having character, Jason is unrivaled. One of my favorite memories that I have with Jason is just constantly bothering him when he was playing games on his PC. At one point, I ended up breaking his chair with how much I was trying to bother him. As time went on, Jason ended up moving out of state for quite a few years. Even with him moving out of state, we still remained close friends only seeing each other a few times a year. Jason has always shown me what it means to be a friend. He taught me that at the end of the day, it doesn’t take much. Even if it is just a simple phone call or text, you just have to make time for the important people in your life. 

Paul Claymeir


Paul and I also became friends through our friend, Tommy. Throughout college, I had always been friends with Paul, but our friendship really blossomed outside of college. A tradition that Paul and I started together a few years back was to explore at least one new place in the world each year. I can’t even begin to explain how exciting it is to think about all of the other places that we have yet to explore together. Good thing we have a lifetime to find out. Something I really cherish about Paul is that when it comes down to our cores, I believe we are always on the same wavelength. In life, it’s often the smallest moments that make the biggest impact and I know that Paul appreciates those moments just as much as I do. 

Nicki Franks

Maid of Honor

Nicki is a friend that I have grown up with for the last 22 years. The destiny of our friendship was in the hands of our brothers who were friends in high school. Nicki is like my right hand man. If I need a teacher, doctor, therapist, or some cheap entertainment she is the one to call. Growing up, Nicki encouraged me to be adventurous with endless time playing in the creek, climbing trees, and just exploring what the great outdoors has to offer. As we have transitioned into adulthood Nicki has never stopped encouraging me to be more adventurous and I appreciate that.

Morgan Furness


Morgan and I met when we were 4 years old in ballet class. Never laid eyes on this girl and the first thing she does is walks up to me, hugs me and says “want to be sisters?” and since that moment, as corny as it sounds, she has not left my side. Growing up together was an adventure from dancing, recording videos in her basement for hours upon hours, staying up all night to eat spaghetti o’s and watch MTV. These memories will be something I will hold on to forever. I never doubted that she would be here by my side on this special day.

Lauren Frost


Lauren and I met in middle school. She started as a mutual friend, but as we got older Lauren became a friend that I know I will have for a lifetime. Lauren is someone who will support me in anything I do, regardless of if I need backup in a fight or a partner in crime, she will be there for me when I need her, she might be late getting there but she will be there regardless.

Miranda Riddle


Miranda and I met in my first year of college in 2015. We were pursuing the same career path and we clicked right away. Something we had in common was that we both didn’t drive, but I remember her showing me a car that her dad wanted to buy her with flames on it and we both weren’t fond of that idea. Something that Miranda stays true to is her character no matter who she is around. She is spontaneous and brings that side of me out when she is around.

Jazz Mullins


The first conversation I ever had with Jazz was about three years ago in the parking lot at the daycare we worked at together. After leaving that conversation I knew that I had a friendship that would last. When Jazz walks into a room you can sure count on a good laugh coming your way. Jazz and I definitely connect with our love for hip hop music and I always find myself in a good mood when I’m around her.

Emma Lennemann


Most of you know by now that Emma is Derek’s sister and that is how we met. Emma and I did not start out as friends, but as time went on I have gotten to know Emma on a deeper level and I enjoy spending time with her. Emma and I know how to have a good time when we are together, especially when everyone else is being a party pooper. She is generous and always thinking about others. I know that she would have my back in any situation and I’m happy to have her support during this special time in my life.

For all the days along the way
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