September 28, 2019
Leavenworth, WA

Lucy & Tyler

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Lucy Nolan and Tyler Yount

Juliet Watson

Maid of Honor

Juliet and I met in middle school and have been best friends ever since, despite the time I accidentally froze her birthday cake for her surprise party. My B. Some of my favorite memories with Juliet have been our multiple trips to Idaho and Bellingham, drinking way too much wine on our birthdays, and hosting an epic mac and cheese night. Juliet has waxed my eyebrows and cut my hair, so if that isn't a mark of true friendship, I don't know what is!! I am incredibly lucky to have someone like her as my best friend, and am equally as lucky to have her as my maid of honor!

Thomas Yount

Best Man

My brother, best, and oldest friend. So much of my personality, interests, sense of humor and randomness comes from this man. Whether we were competing in sports, video games, or who could draw the dopest velociraptor while watching Jurassic Park, Tom has always pushed me to be the best person I could be. Thomas is a man of many skills and trades, and his curiosity and passion to learn have had more of an effect on me than he'll ever know. Through thick and think, my bro is the is the most genuine, humble, and awkward person I know - and the only one fitting to be my Best Man.

Ali Shaffer


Ali and I met in high school during chemistry class. You might say we had "chemistry" loooool. One of my favorite memories with her was leaving said chemistry class to go dance to Sir Mix-a-Lot in the empty hallways. A lot of my memories with Ali include dancing in strange places. I'm really glad Myspace is gone. Ali is always an absolute blast and a guarantee to make your day brighter. She is one of the funniest people I know, and also the smartest. She's going to run the world one day, just you wait. I am so grateful this girl is flying all the way from London to stand up with me on my big day!

Dean Bradshaw


When I met Dean, we were Beavers - or at least our basketball team name was. That was 24 years ago, and since then we have perfected the art of sarcasm, battled on every field and court, and become the consummate party professionals. Dean has the rare combination of being one of the smartest and least judgmental people I know. Because of this, if I was ever having a tough time Dean has always been one of the best people to help turn a frown upside-down when I needed it most. We have been friends for almost 25 years, and I know our friendship will last longer than his beautiful man-bun can dangle.

Allie Lee


Allie and I became friends in college, although we actually went to rival high schools. Allie would come up to Bellingham to visit my roommate Holly, but she became friends with the rest of our house too. Allie is a guaranteed fun time. I think it's literally impossible to be bored doing something with Allie. We share a similar love of photography, hiking, dancing and not having attention spans long enough to finish a game of pool. Both Allie and I are those people at a party that leave to go find where the pets are at. I am so grateful to have a friend like her!

Elliot Wong


Elliot and my friendship began in 1st grade as we fought over who was the best at Connect-4 and tether-ball. We had nearly every class together through grade school, and spent nearly every day outside of it together as well. Sneaking onto each others school bus after school with out permission was as much of a pastime as Smash Bros and 21. I can't tell you what age Elliot taught me how to drive a manual, but I can tell you that he made me a more intelligent and cultured person. We have always shared our hobbies and interests, but none of my friends can humble or call me out on my BS better than Elliot can.

Angela Allison


Angela and I became friends when we did tennis in 7th grade. I will always be indebted to her (and her mom) for telling me my "duck face pose" did not look good in photos (I ruined so many photos with that face). If there is anyone I can count on to give me an honest opinion, it's Angela. Angela shares my love of photography and weird phrases/noises. Looking at our Facebook timeline is confusing but hilarious. I am also incredibly grateful Myspace lost all that data, because I'm sure there were some incrimminating pictures of us floating around there as well. On many occasions, I've thought I needed to get a WWAD bracelet (What Would Angela Do?). I am so fortunate to have a friend like her!

JD Aylward


JD and I first met way back in the Rose Hill soccer club days of the mid-90s and was not only an exceptional athlete back then, but also had an exceptional haircut. The man is a talent of many skills, but none better than his self-humility and prank-ability. JD's humor is rarely conventional but consistently effective - which made us perfect friends from day one. Whether we were creating our own games, prank phone calling, or making homemade dunk videos, laughter has always been central to our friendship. JD is one of the hardest working people I know, but our friendship has never taken any effort.

Beth Nolan


Beth is my sister. She likes to make fun of me and send me cute pictures of her pets. I have to say, she might actually have the cutest dog on the planet (next to Barry, of course). One of my favorite memories with Beth was watching the Great Gatsby and deciding that our new nicknames for each other was "Old Sport". We still call each other Old Sport, like 8 years later. However, my absolute favorite memory of Beth is one she would kill me for writing here, so I'll just say it has to do with 45 chicken nuggets and a staircase. Beth is an awesome sister and I'm happy to have her standing up with me on my big day!

Joe Herauf


Joe and I first met in the early 2000's, and was quickly drawn to his charisma and crude sense of humor. As much as Joe can be a catalyst for a party, he is equally a dependable friend and compassionate sounding board when the times ask for it. We have grown up and matured over the years, but our friendship always remains enthusiastic and youthful. Whether we're sharing a beer, a new artist, or a funny GIF, Joe is a true friend I can always count on. Joe may not qualify as my oldest friend, but since our friendship began he has always been one of the most dependable and consistent.

Jeni Spivey


Jeni and I met in college, at a party that we both had not wanted to go to. We were both standing out on the deck and just looked at each other and knew we were both on the same page. It's been like that ever since! Jeni might actually be the nicest person I know. Jeni is one of those people you can bring to any group of friends and know she'll immediately get along with everyone. It's an amazing talent that she has! Jeni also never fails to show up at my house with a bottle of wine and a funny story about work. I am so lucky to have a friend like her!

Josh Abergel


Josh and I became friends in 3rd grade while arguing over "who got to be Grant Hill" while playing basketball in the backyard. This has always exemplified our uniqueness and appreciation for the unsung hero. Our friendship was solidified as we shared our hottest burned CDs while carpooling to high school. Josh is one of the most loyal people I know, but will also go out of his way to help a stranger. Through countless hours spent in parks, backyards and garages, Josh has always delivered a good laugh and a tough honest opinion - and why I'm lucky to call him a friend.

Katie Nolan


Katie is my other sister! Katie and I share co-ownership of her enormous black cat, Loo (or at least I'm saying we do). We lived together for a year after college and became friends as well as sisters. She really needs to become a stylist for Free People because her sense of fashion is impressive. As teenagers, I'd constantly come into her room to steal her clothes (you might just be learning this now), or ask her to help coordinate an outfit for me to wear. I'd probably still do that if we lived together. Also, she'll spoil the heck out of your pets. Is your pet cute? Here's a bag of treats. K8 is gr8 and I'm thankful to have such an awesome sister.

Justin Kruiniger


Justin and I unknowingly went to rival high schools, but quickly became friends after meeting in the dorms freshman year at WWU. Over the last 12 years Justin and I been have been roommates twice, been to dozens of Seattle sporting events, and countless rounds of golf. "Dutch" and I have been lucky enough to hoist a Super Bowl party and attend numerous playoff games including the NFC Championship, but truest reflection of our friendship is attending 20+ M's games in a 100 loss season. Justin is the groomsman I've known for the shortest time, but we've already shared plenty memories to last a lifetime.

Nancy Crow


Nancy and I have been friends since freshman year in high school. She is my spirit animal when it comes to sense of style (and rose'). Nancy and I have so many memories, ranging from driving around aimlessly in high school listening to RHCP, to bowling nights, concerts, and being really bad at pool. Nancy is hilarious and charming, and somehow always has perfect hair. She is also a fantastic yoga instructor, but her sequences will kick your butt! I am so lucky to have this girl by my side on my big day!

Sean Scott


Sean has played an integral part of my life whether through sports, school, or family vacations growing up. The start of our friendship is hard to define, but once we became neighbors in the early 2000's we had no other choice. Sean, similar to the rest of my groomsmen has an unrivaled quality of positive attitude, drive, and sarcasm. While we we all share these qualities, Sean and I growing up shared the passion of football and "snackage". It has been years since Sean and I have lived in the same city or even State, but every time we reunite it feels like we just rolled up on the spot in our BMX bikes.

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