November 10, 2018
Mansfield, OH

Tony & Kenna

    Our Wedding


Kenna Vernon


Tony Miller


November 10, 2018

Mansfield, OH

The Story of Tony and Kenna

Short version: Tony was my boss at Jimmy Guaco's Border Town burritos. Flash forward 9 years and we're getting married!! Long Version: I moved to Columbus in 2008 to go to OSU. Attempting to plan ahead I got a job off campus prior to moving down but in typical Kenna fashion I got on the wrong bus and by the time I realized it I was way too late to go to work. As I was walking home I passed Jimmy Guaco's and saw a now hiring sign in the way and figured what the heck. While I was doing my short interview a head popped out the kitchen door, looked at me, disappeared, returned with a second head, and disappeared again. I was to later find out that was Tony my manager at this taco place. Fast forward a few fun months of working together with me doing minimal work and us playing "toss the ice cube in the salsa" Jimmy Guaco's closed and we went on our separate ways with the typical "we'll totally hang out some day" and I figured it would never happen. I was wrong. Several months later Tony organized a reunion of sorts of the former employees and being one to never turn down a margarita I made the long trek to Mad Mex to meet up with people I hadn't talked to in months assuming it would at least be kind of fun. Little did I know Tony had planned the whole thing in the hopes that I would show up and I sure am glad that I decided to go. That's where Tony asked me out on our first date, which ended up being a group date to Winking Lizard and we haven't stopped being together since then. So here we are nine years later, still going to the Winking Lizard, finally getting married, and looking forward to seeing you all in November!!

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