Since the beginning of August, COVID cases in Amarillo have risen/stayed at a Red alert level. We talked with our families & decided that it isn't appropriate to go forward with our wedding October 9th. See the FAQs for more info. Thank you for all the love and support!
Since the beginning of August, COVID cases in Amarillo have risen/stayed at a Red alert level. We talked with our families & decided that it isn't appropriate to go forward with our wedding October 9th. See the FAQs for more info. Thank you for all the love and support!
October 9, 2021
Amarillo, TX

Elizabeth & Charlie



Hello to our favorite people, Since the beginning of August, COVID cases in Amarillo, TX have risen and stayed at a Red alert level that has not been seen since the end of 2020. We talked with our families and decided not to press forward with our wedding on October 9th. While this choice has been tough to make for a second time, we couldn't enjoy our weekend with you all while risking the health of friends and family members that we love so dearly. We want to thank you for the positive feedback, love and support, and enthusiasm you have shown towards us as a couple and towards our wedding celebration. This is just one date in a long journey that The Timberlake’s and Diaz’s plan on enjoying. We love y'all very much and always appreciate the kindness you have supported us with. All the love in our hearts, Charlie and Elizabeth

Is the wedding going to be rescheduled?


At this point, we aren’t sure. It's been clear that we haven’t been able to predict the future well so far… so at this point we are SO lucky to have each other and our families and will figure out how to celebrate at some point in the future


If we purchased hotel accommodations, how should I proceed?


a. Barfield: Marriott reservation hotline can be called to cancel: 888-236-2427 b. Embassy Suites: Direct with the Amarillo hotel: (806) 803-5500 3. What if we booked an AirBNB for the weekend? a. Here are the details found on AirBNB’s website regarding COVID cancelation: https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/2728/cancellation-options-due-to-covid19


Can’t you guys just require proof of vaccine and masks?


We gave this option thought but still concluded that the risk of our closest loved one's health should not be put at any risk for a wedding weekend.


Any other questions that may a rise...


If you have any further questions or issues with canceling your weekend travel plans, do not hesitate to reach out directly to either one of us. We want to make sure that goes as smoothly as possible. Charlie: 404-538-6394 Elizabeth: 806-433-3519

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