
William & Emily


We’re getting married!

William Witter


Emily Crandall

October 24, 2024

Gilbert, AZ

Her Version

Oh boy… I might be slightly biased, but I think we have a story that could be a movie. Summer 2019: We met at church camp and when I tell you I fell in love with this kid, I fell IN LOVE. We barely talked and when we did, it was pretty awkward, but I just knew I was going to marry this kid (that’s intuition not craziness, alright?). Long story short, William left for his freshman year at ASU while I started my senior year of high school. Things ended quickly and some could say I was bummed (don’t ask my mom about the only day I ditched school to cry over a kid I met just months earlier). We lost connection, let’s just say there was some immaturity on both ends hahah Summer 2021: I came home from my freshman year of college, and started going back to our church. William came up to me and we talked about the years prior, I thought he was so sweet to make sure I was okay after the interesting turn of events. Instantly when we started talking, I knew I was back to square one- high school, giddy, head over boots, Emily. The part that amazes me most is seeing how God was working in our lives during the two years we were apart. Both of us learned a lot of lessons, made mistakes, and drew closer to the Lord. When we met again that summer, without either of us knowing, we both were praying the prayer “Lord if you don’t want us together, take him/her away from me, all I want is You.” There are so many details the Lord has woven together in our story, definitely too much to write in a “short” post such as this… Summer 2023: WE GOT ENGAGED!!! Now seeing us from the beginning- meeting at a high school camp, loosing touch, God’s handiwork in our second chance, to the trials of dating, the memories of two years with my best friend, and the growth the Lord has done in our hearts overwhelms me with joy! Now I get to call the man who leads me in the Lord everyday, my fiancé… and soon to be HUSBAND! Thank you Jesus (and thank you William for choosing me as your Mrs. Witter ;)

His Version

ACT 1 Emily and I met at church camp in 2019. I was a graduated senior and she was entering her senior year. I had never seen her at church or at any Wednesday nights at life groups. She was the girl all the guys were looking at (especially me). I did what any brave high school boy would do, I tried to get information out of a mutual friend. We were talking about Emily, and without me letting it slip that I had a crush on Emily yet, I found out… that she thought another guy was cute. Let me tell you, that was a shot to the soul, big pride knock down for sure. So I put on the brave (but hurting) face that I could and was happy for the guy. After licking my wounds for a day, I ran into the mutual friend (middle woman) again and for the first time in the history of using a middle man, there was a misunderstanding! Apparently, she thought I was cute! On the outside, I kept it cool, but on the inside I was elated. Definitely boosted my ego back up lol. For the rest of camp I was trying hard to impress her, and guess what! It worked! (Probably had something to do with winning the 3v3 basketball tournament (insert confident shrug emoji), shoutout Philip and Rico). Emily and I had the pleasure of getting to know each other for the next month and a half by texting and sneaking around because we were not allowed to date. However, we come to the ugliest part of the story. If you already read Emily’s, she describes it as we were both immature, however true it may have been, it saves me some face lol. ACT 2 A little over a year later (Covid 2020), I hadn’t talked to her in 8 months (and let me tell you, that last conversation did not come up all William, quite the opposite actually). Then all of a sudden, the Lord started to bring her back into my mind. I thought about her everyday for months and I finally came face to face with the way I handled the situation and felt terrible. I just wanted to see her one more time so I could apologize. Obviously in the back of my head I wanted to date her but I never thought she would take me back. After 8 months of that consistent thought, and me thinking I will never see her again, she out of the blue starts showing up at the Bridge to volunteer again and at church again. Coincidentally, I start volunteering again, and start awkward flirting with her. At this point in my life, I was in the fifth month of my 6 month singleness journey to eradicate sin out of my life that I didn’t want to bring in to a relationship and to make sure God was my number 1 priority in life. Funny how at the end of my journey, Emily (the girl I had been thinking about for the previous 8 months shows back up). So finally, my 6 month singleness journey ends, and like 2 days later I ask Emily out and we haven’t looked back since. Through the ups and downs, I am grateful to God that He brought Emily back into my life. I can see so clearly how He was working and preparing me for her even when we weren’t together. I am so excited to be in the position I am right now engaged and ready to be married to my best friend!

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