
Emily & Andrew

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Kate Kruse

Maid of Honor

Kate is such a dear friend! We met in the fall of 2021 and were able to reconnect when I moved back to Waco and she has truly become a best friend. She loves the Lord and loves to have fun! Catch her on the dance floor!!

Daniel Riddle

Best Man

Daniel is the oldest Riddle brother and one of my closest friends. Over the years Daniel has shepherded, led, challenged, and grown me in my character and faith. So much of who I am today I attribute to the example God has given me in Daniel.

Ava Shelly


I first met Ava in the summer of 2022! She quickly became someone I consider a good friend! She is full of joy and always down for adventure. We bonded over painting together and film cameras.

David Riddle

Best Man

David is the second oldest Riddle brother. As I look back on my childhood and a large portion of my adult life with David, I predominantly remember laughing my face off until my gut hurts and then still some. David is hilarious, faithful, and excellent at whatever he chooses to put his hands to, all of which have inspired and grown me.

Lexi Khan


Lexi was one of the first new friendly faces I met when coming back to Waco! We clicked on one of my first Sundays back at Harris Creek and quickly became great friends. She's loyal and funny and passionate about animals.

Gannon Gager


One of my closest childhood best friends also happens to be my cousin. Gannon, Garrison, and I have spent many of our summers as kids together at Mimi's house. I look back on these years as some of the most fun and vibrant years of my life thanks to Gannon. Thank you for loving me well, Gannon.

Emma Evans


Emma is such a calm and steady friend! We have gotten to know each other over many cups of coffee in the past 1 1/2 years. She is consistent and encouraging! I know I can go to her to confide or have fun and bake or do crafts.

Garrison Gager


Garrison is Gannon's younger brother and also my cousin. Garrison is exceedingly thoughtful, intelligent, and kind. I consider it a genuine treasure to have the memories that I have with him. Growing up is awesome but it also means we don't get to hang out all summer long and that's a huge bummer. Garrison is often present when nostalgia hits.

Amaris Riddle


Amaris is amazing! Amaris is my soon to be sister! She is encouraging and vulnerable and she immediately made me feel like I was home with the family. I cannot wait to continue making memories with her and the rest of my new family.

Austin Shelton


I am immensely looking forward to gaining another brother. Austin, you're darn fun and a great hang, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the time we have spent together. Let's hang more when we move to Dallas 😎

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