
Steven & Maria


Steven Greenwood


Maria Martin

October 14, 2023

Lancaster, PA

How we met

Summer 2021

It took a while for Maria and I to graduate from the “staring from across the room” phase to the “actually talking to each other” phase. We both attended Grace Community Church in the summer of 2021 and caught each other’s eye through the young adult ministry there. As Maria will often remind me, she made the first move by walking up and talking to me one Tuesday evening, and from that point forward, we engaged in a few flirty conversations that culminated on a Tuesday evening spent talking in the parking lot of the church until 1:00 AM. At that point, I had a faint glimmer of hope that Maria showed some romantic interest in me, so I did the only thing I could think of doing. I dm’ed the worship leader at our church, asking for Maria’s number. 24 painstaking hours later, I got her number and struck up some conversations that led to a few lovely evenings spent kicking the soccer ball, eating at Cabalar Meat Company and Rolled Cold Creamery, and getting to know one another. Some would say the rest is history. -Steven


January 2, 2023

Maria and I planned to get engaged anytime from January to March 2023. I made Maria wait quite a while. Two whole days into January! A few weeks prior to January, my cousin Emma made plans to take portrait photos of Maria on the 2nd. Unbeknownst to Maria, Emma and I had hatched the plan for me to show up during their photo shoot with an engagement ring. Emma brought Maria to the chapel at the Double Tree Resort, where she began to take photos. After a few shots, Emma asked Maria to do a “look-over-the-shoulder” pose when she gave the word. When Emma told Maria to turn, Maria saw me on one knee. Stumbling over my words, I asked her to marry me, and she said yes! Let it be known that I did not surprise Maria completely (it’s hard to do). - Steven

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For all the days along the way
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