
Patrick & Carolyn

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Ilene Goy

Matron of Honor

For as long as Carolyn can remember, Ilene wasn't just her older sister, she was her forever best friend. When they were younger, Carolyn followed Ilene around everywhere, constantly wanting to spend every second by her side. And as they got older, that never changed! While Carolyn no longer watches Ilene play Barbie Nintendo or takes fake tests "teacher Ilene" assigns, they are still inseparable to this day. Carolyn couldn't imagine any big moment, especially her wedding, without Ilene by her side!

Stephanie Ciancio

Matron of Honor

If you asked Carolyn at any age who she wants to be like when she's older, her first thought would always be her big sister, Stephie. Aside from being a smart, successful woman that any girl would be lucky to have as a role model, she has always selflessly helped Carolyn through every challenge in life. From teaching her how to use a razor or write a college essay, to getting her through heartbreak, Carolyn truly wouldn't be who she is today without Stephie's endless love and support!

Lauren Docktor

Bridesmaid & Officiant

Carolyn sat next to Lauren on the first day of writing class, and the rest is history! They spent every possible moment of law school side-by-side -- Carolyn even took a sports law class to spend more time with Lauren (which if you know Caro, is the definition of true love!) Carolyn & Pat are so deeply honored to have Lauren officiate their wedding! It's only fitting for someone who holds such a special place in their hearts.

Marissa Gervasi


Even though they haven't lived in the same state since law school, Carolyn couldn't even begin to imagine her life without her constant communication with Marissa. She's always the first person Carolyn thinks to text when something big happens, she needs advice on just about anything, or for any thought she wants to talk through, no matter how seemingly insignificant!

Rachael Britt


When in Rome, meet a best friend!! Carolyn and Rachael first met when they were both studying abroad in Rome, and after their adventures across Europe, they swapped nights at the Drunken Ship and roaming Campo de' Fiori for nights in Manayunk. The pair grew even closer as roommates in Philly, and now with each milestone in life they go through together!

Caitlin Campbell


The best Craigslist find there ever was! Carolyn and Cait met when they were both looking for roommates in 2019 and became instant friends over a bottle of rosé and a house tour of Montrose. Carolyn can always count on Cait to light up a room and make any ordinary night unforgettable. Don’t be fooled by Lifetime, amazing relationships can come off of Craigslist too!

Janine Necef


If you looked up "amazing friend" in the dictionary, you might just find a picture of Janine! Although Janine and Carolyn first met in college, their friendship really blossomed when they reconnected in Philly years later. From their very first wine night, Janine has always been there for Carolyn. She knows just how to lift your spirits when you're down, and celebrate in your happiness any chance she can!

Francesca Livi


Frankie was Carolyn's first best friend, and still holds the title to this day! From the start of their friendship at St. Faith Preschool, to being "Amish" pen pals Frances & Carol, years of dance classes, countless high school memories, and every second in-between, Frankie has been a huge part of Carolyn's life for as long as she can remember and she couldn't imagine getting married without Frankie by her side!

Talia Arceri-Woltemate


Talia and Carolyn met when they both joined Alpha Phi freshman year and immediately became inseparable for the rest of their college days! Almost all of Carolyn's Lehigh memories include Talia by her side- from library/study room days and dancing on frat tables at night, borrowing each other's clothes and pretending to be twins everywhere they went, Tal and Car were made to be best friends!

Arielle Friedler


From the first day of Lehigh orientation, Carolyn and Arielle instantly clicked! From sharing a wall as neighbors in their freshman dorm to joining Alpha Phi together, Carolyn has pictured Arielle as one of her bridesmaids since pretty much the day she met her! And every morning cocktails football game, themed party, and heart-to-heart in college and beyond, has only made their friendship grow!

Garrison Bentz Pérez

Best Man

Garri asked if he could do his laundry one day at Pat's place and never left. Despite not being roommates, Garri had spent more time in Pat's apartment than anyone else, and what started with games of FIFA eventually turned into backpacking across Europe and a "best man" type of friendship. Garri even let Pat borrow his dog to impress Carolyn on one of their early dates. It worked.

Ryan Gallagher


Pat was enjoying his life as an only child. Then Ryan showed up. He soon got over this, however, and became excited to claim he taught his younger brother everything he knew about hockey. Then Ryan decided to be a goalie. Despite all of this, Ryan remains one of Pat's top 2 brothers. All jokes aside, Pat couldn't be more proud to have a man like Ryan as a brother, and couldn't imagine getting married without him by his side.

Neil Gallagher


While Pat was a little skeptical when his parents brought home yet another baby from the hospital, he quickly learned it meant another built in best friend. Pat considers himself so lucky to have Neil as a brother, and even luckier that he lives so close by in Willow Grove. Just like the Gallagher family, Pat's wedding wouldn't be complete without his youngest brother there beside him

Bobby Cooper


A youth hockey teammate turned lifelong friend. Pat spent many weekend days at Bobby's house in Upstate New York, on the backyard rink, driveway playing street hockey, and ringing in countless new years. Pat's lucky to still call Bobby one of his best friends so many years later.

Christopher Gough


Two transfer students were chatting in the line of a particularly subpar Subway franchise, and an immediate bond was formed. Chris and Pat quickly became friends and later roommates. While there are thousands of miles between them, their bond remains strong, and any phone call to catch up effortlessly lasts hours.

Jesse Mintz


Jesse is another college friend. Bobby's college friend, to be exact. But that didn't stop Jesse and Pat from instantly becoming friends. Fond memories were made at Jesse's cabin in the Finger Lakes enjoying NASCAR races at the Glen and wine tours around Keuka. Pat was honored to be one of Jesse's groomsmen at his wedding, and can't wait to have Jesse be with him on his big day too.

Donna Toll

Mother of the Bride

Carolyn's number one (sorry, Pat) from the day she was born! Donna isn't just Carolyn's supermom, she's her best friend, confidant, and role model. She's best known for her selfless and unconditional love, always knowing the right thing to say and do, and somehow always having the answer to every one of Carolyn and Pat's “life” questions (which if you know them, is a lot!). She's everything that's right with the world, and Carolyn couldn't feel more grateful to have won the mom jackpot with Donna.

Brad Toll

Father of the Bride

If you've ever met Brad, then you probably know a few things about him: he loves everything that's the color red, model railroads, cars, bunnies, and most importantly, his three daughters. While Carolyn and Brad may not have all the same hobbies, her childhood is filled with memories of water parks and amusement rides, beach trips, and so many unforgettable adventures together!

Kathleen Gallagher

Mother of the Groom

She'll never admit it, but Patrick is definitely her favorite. Although Pat could be described as a "difficult child" (I saw the book in the closet mom, you can't deny it), she chose to keep him around, showing patience and encouragement every step of his lifelong journey. He can't thank her enough for always being there for him and molding him into the man he is today.

Charles Gallagher

Father of the Groom

Pat has Charlie to thank for giving him endless "adult life" advice, his great taste in beer, and love of hockey and golf. From the day Pat turned 21, he became his dad's drinking buddy at the many craft breweries around Rochester. More than that though, Charlie has been there for every one of Pat's milestone moments and life achievements. He's an amazing role model of a father and husband, and Pat is lucky to have him to look up to.

Mason Goy

Ring Bearer

From the moment he was born, Mason has always had a presence that instantly makes you feel happier. He gives the best hugs and snuggles, shares Aunt Car's love for yoga, and is always excited to see his Aunt Car and Uncle Pat (feeling is mutual, Mas!) They can't wait to have him be part of their big day and see his moves on the dance floor!

Sienna Goy

Flower Girl

Sienna lights up every room she walks in, and her Aunt Car and Uncle Pat are so lucky to have her as their niece and flower girl! For not even being three years old yet, she has more of a personality than you could ever imagine - she's sweet, sassy, funny, smart, and the only girl Carolyn would ever want to share Pat's heart with!

Elliott Ciancio

Ring Bearer

As the first one to make Carolyn an Aunt, Elliott will always hold a special place in her heart! Elliott has all the qualities of the perfect ring bearer: he's the most adventurous, fun loving, and fashionable boy out there, with a heart five times his size! Aunt Car and Uncle Pat have no doubt he will crush the role on the big day!

Jude Ciancio

Ring Bearer

Jude is Carolyn and Pat's youngest nephew, and the happiest boy they know! Jude is somehow always smiling, and his contagious laugh is enough to brighten even the hardest of days. He's guaranteed to steal everyone's heart on August 17, 2024!

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