September 4, 2021
West Sand Lake, New York

Taylor & Jeffrey

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We're getting married!

Jeffrey John O'Donnell


Taylor James Phillips


September 4, 2021

West Sand Lake, New York

How We Met

First comes Instagram, then comes marriage...?

Prepare yourself for a love story of the ages…who are we kidding, we met on Instagram. Our story began when I (Taylor) was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram one night and stumbled across a photo of a cute guy in a black sweater on my explore page. It didn’t take long for me to slide in this guy’s (Jeff) DM’s with the now infamous two waving hand emojis. Jeff didn’t respond until the next day, but when he did, the connection was instantaneous. We spent that entire day messaging back and forth, sending corny jokes, bad pick up lines, and I must admit, I may or may not have sent a few boast-worthy pictures of meals I had recently cooked, you know, to prove I was worth pursuing. . We ended up meeting that night after we had both been out separately with friends. We spent the entire night and into next morning just talking and getting to know each other. Fun fact—that night, before we had ever even met in person, Jeff was out at a bar and felt so strongly about us that he actually wrote our initials in a heart on a chalkboard in the mens room. The rest is history. Over the past three years we’ve traveled the world together, hosted some amazing parties, cooked a ton, drank lots of red wine, got our first apartment together, brought the most beautiful pup into our lives, and we just bought our first home together! Our friends and family describe us as the perfect case of opposites attract. Jeff is carefree, light-hearted, and grounded. He loves to sing and dance and play any instrument he can get his hands on. Which makes him the perfect match for me, someone who sometimes takes life too seriously, leads every conversation with sarcasm, and has my head in the clouds looking for the next adventure. My favorite thing about us has always been our honesty and transparency with one another, our relationship has always seemed so effortless—perfect in its own way.

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