June 19, 2021
Fort Walton Beach, Fl

Tashana & Jamar








June 19, 2021

Fort Walton Beach, Fl

How our Love Song Began

Aight, let's get it.... Jamar and I met at our home church, The New Life International Family Church in Decatur, GA where he is the bass guitarist and I sing soprano on the choir. One day after choir rehearsal, I was waiting on my ride to pick me up when Jamar came out of no where and approached me and struck up a conversation. That must've been a great conversation because my son, Christian Pink, decided to give Jamar my phone number. After that night, we would spend hours on the phone like some cute high school kids. Unfortunately after a few months, life happened and Jamar and I had to go our separate ways. However, during this break, we maintained an undeniable attraction towards each other and admittedly had roaming eyes for each other especially during church service. BUT..... that would all come back full circle with a few games of Words With Friends. Jamar decided to hop in the WWF DM's. Now I must say, he is actually a great component on that yellow app...but.... his greatest win would be winning a way back to my heart. We decided to give us another shot, taking it slow but intentional, focusing on us and not having many people in our business. Our first date was at Ru Sans Sushi and Seafood and the pool hall where he tried to teach me how to play. During our relationship, we enjoyed dates to the movies and trying out different restaurants. The best times we've had were when we spent quality time together whether it be on the phone or in person.... Then 2020 happened. This year was the year of testing for our relationship because we, as well as the rest of the world, had to sit still. Not only did we grow closer but our relationship got stronger. We got engaged, met each others family, bought a house, and experienced massive growth in our careers. On June 19th, we take the ultimate step to not only honor God for bringing us back together stronger than we ever were, but to merge our lives as one and conquer this thing called life as a team.

For all the days along the way
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