Party of Five (2023): Steven, Dean, Casey, Caz, and Mila the Miniature Schnauzer

Easter Island, Chile (2018) #StevenAndDeanTripAroundTheWorld

NYC (2009) Sabin's BDay Dinner

Egypt (2018) #StevenAndDeanTripAroundTheWorld

The Cutest (2021): Steven & Dean welcome our "first-born" Mila the Miniature Schnauzer!

Twinning! (2022): Steven & Dean welcome Casey & Caz!

Nepal (2018) #StevenAndDeanTripAroundTheWorld

Bhutan (2018) #StevenAndDeanTripAroundTheWorld

Somewhere over the Pacific… 30,000 feet above Earth in 0 gravity (11/06/2021): WE GOT ENGAGED!!! 💍🌎

Los Angeles (2017) #StevenAndDeanRaisingMoney

New York City (2018) #StevenAndDeanTripAroundTheWorld

Pride (2022): Love Is Love

Christmas (2022): guess who was naughty, guess who was nice!

Party of Five (2022): Steven, Dean, Casey, Caz, and Mila the Miniature Schnauzer

We've got toddlers! (2023): Steven, Dean, Casey, and Caz

Are You Ready For Some Sportsball? (2022): Casey & Caz just being silly

South America (2018) #StevenAndDeanTripAroundTheWorld

Versailles (2019) #WinningTheCostumeContest

First Holloween (2022): the newest NASA recruits!

First Holloween (2022): Caz the Astronaut

First Holloween (2022): Casey the Astronaut

Easter Island, Chile (2018) #StevenAndDeanTripAroundTheWorld

Inside the Kawah Ijen Volcano, Indonesia (2018) #CRAZY #StevenAndDeanTripAroundTheWorld

Party of Five (2021): Steven & Dean welcome our "first-born" Mila the Miniature Schnauzer

Singapore (2018) #StevenAndDeanTripAroundTheWorld

Tokyo (2022) #StevenAndDeanAreBigInJapan

The Maldives (2021) #ParadiseRainOnMe #DeanAndStevenBabyMoon

Tokyo (2022) #StevenAndDeanAreBigInJapan

Time to hydrate (2023): Our Dads went to the Whitney and all we got was water bottles

Indonesia (2018) #StevenAndDeanTripAroundTheWorld

Got a treat for me? (2021): Mila the Miniature Schnauzer loves humans more than other canines, and is "treat-motivated" according to her puppy trainer :D