June 3, 2023
Atlanta, GA

Stefani & Ryan

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Amanda McVicker

Matron of Honor

I have known Amanda my whole life! Literally. Sisters to best friends to being her own maid of honor. I could not think of anyone else to be my matron of honor!

Gavin Cagle

Best Man

Gavin and I met sophomore year of college when I was rushing at KSU. We immediately became close friends and have spent the last 6 years working 5th grade ASP, doing Trivia under the team name Ed Voyles and taking spontaneous trips to Vegas together. Oh, and he may have been the one to introduce Stefani to me. There’s no one else I’d rather have as my best man!

Ryann Miller


I met Ryann in college and we instantly clicked. She is the girl I can trust with my whole life and I can laugh the absolute hardest with. My best friend in the whole world. I could not imagine this day without her!

Davison Frizzell


Davison and I met 9th grade after I just moved to Georgia. I didn’t know too many people and Davison quickly became one of my best friends. Fast forward 10 years, Dav and I have lived together in college, collectively fired Mike White from UF basketball and have continued our friendship since freshman year PE.

Genevieve Cagle


When Gavin told me about Gen, I knew she'd be a good one! When she moved to Georgia, we were immediately inseparable! She is the definition of loyal and a forever friend. It is so crazy how quickly our friendship evolved and I am so thankful for it!

Cooper Lyon


I didn’t know Cooper until we were sharing a wall inside our 4 bedroom apartment with Davison and Kap. But that didn’t stop our friendship from growing fast. Coop has been my go to guy for late night cookout runs in college, building fifa teams every year and cheering on Florida with me in the middle of hundreds of Miami fans (even though he’s not a Florida fan).

Juliana Brosh


Jules and I go way back to high school where we had the same friends but hardly knew each other. Once she transferred to Kennesaw, we reconnected and instantly became best friends! I recently got to stand by her side at her own wedding and am so excited for her to do the same at mine. If you have never heard the "Thic Bih" song, I'm sure you will hear it at the wedding. My hype girl always!!

Zach Kaplan


Kap and I also met in 9th grade at West Forsyth. We shared a home room class and I knew he was close friends with Davison, so the friendship naturally occurred. Fun fact: he gave me my first gold fish. From numerous shared Chris Brown classes at KSU, to doing our senior internship together selling tickets for a sport we knew little about, Kap has been one of my closest friends.

Jillian Freesman


Jillian is not only my cousin, but one of my best friends! We have literally grown up together and have shared so many amazing memories along the way. Our GNS days, cruises, Skype calls, and so much more We have always been each others cheerleaders and it was just over a year ago that I stood by her side in her own wedding!

Cam Macer


Continuing the theme of keeping my friends from high school into adulthood, Cam and I met in Latin class sophomore year. Doing everything except actually learning Latin, we spent the next 3 years becoming great friends. Cam completes the 5 man group of “Strictly Fifa” and shares my excitement for both Arsenal and the Colts. Even though he continues to run from me on the sticks, I’m glad to have him with me on my wedding day.

Heather Nixon


Heather and I have known each other since sophomore year of college. If I was with Heather, I knew it would be a good time. We ended up becoming roommates our junior year and it was nothing short of the best time ever. I could never say no to last minute Buckhead adventures, even if it was for the third time that week. You can probably catch her doing a split on the dance floor or making someone chug their drink. She has been one of my most cherished friends and I could not imagine this day without her!

Shawn McVicker


I remember being nervous the first time I met Shawn as it was the first time meeting Stef’s whole family. I knew Shawn was protective over Stefani and I didn’t want to disappoint. All those worries went away as Shawn was very welcoming and we quickly became close. We’re both only children, so having someone like Shawn to act as an older brother has been amazing.

Madeline Ross


Everyone talks about their freshman year roommate horror stories. My experience was a little different because my random roomie ended up becoming my best friend! Between sharing a literal box for a room, singing the president song in Nashville, a Disney World adventure, and standing by her side at her own wedding, most of my most cherished memories involve Mads! 511A forever!

Alex McCarthy


McCarthy was one of the first people I met at KSU when joining Delta Sig. We actually lived next to each other for a whole year but our friendship became greater once we moved out of there. He is the type of friend that will always be there to help out when needed and we’re glad to have him be a part of our wedding.

Hannah Shelton


Hannah and I go way back to college and being roommates our junior year! It never failed that we were asked if we were sisters almost every time we went out together! Hannah and I could talk for hours and trust each other with anything. My pretend twin forever!

Steve Kim


I will never forget the day Steve and I met! We were at Chick-fil-A with some others from the KSU Miracle Board before going to a retreat over the summer. I remember thinking he was really funny and we immediately clicked that weekend. Little did I know he would become one of my best friends! From 4 hour late night FaceTime calls, Dance Marathons, and our chicken mini trio, I couldn’t imagine not sharing this special day without him!

Ella Gately

Flower Girl

In 2020, I quit my job and became a nanny. It was a scary, impulsive decision that led me to people who became another family to me! Ella was not even 2-years-old at the time, but I absolutely adored her and her two older brothers! I always told her she was my best friend and I could not imagine having anyone else (or anyone cuter!!) as our flower girl!

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