How we met? Interesting question. Truth is, we both feel that we met long before we even exchanged words. Thinking back to 2016, I was in a season of learning what it means to heal & out of nowhere Shalita & I crossed paths. I was just joining the young adult choir. I can remember like yesterday when Shalita & I first spoke to each other. It was a Sunday afternoon at church. We were sitting on the same row, the person sitting between us decides to get up, & before you know it Shalita mumbles, "You know you can just take a picture, it'll last longer." I giggled a little, & brushed it off (INTROVERT). After that small interaction, we later exchanged numbers & became the best of friends. We were both in a trying season. She was my biggest encourager, I was her biggest supporter, & together we established a strong friend foundation, & always made a promise that no matter where life may lead us, we would always be friends & be there for each other. All these years we have crossed paths, & 2016 was the year it was meant for us to no longer be invisible to each other. True story, Shalita sold me a promise ring (One night we were out together, I opened my glove department and the receipt fell out, and her signature was on that receipt) we both laughed, but it was that moment we knew that it was meant for us to cross paths, not knowing what was next, but we knew that one day we would be able to share that story. Even going back to high school, while she was in college, playing New Albany High School at a Christmas Classics, discovering she was there because her cousin was playing. Looking back at all the times we could have spoken, we're reminded of what it meant when Jesus replied, “You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.” All those years passed by, & at the right moment, at the right time, & in the right place, God gave us each other. We both believe that God makes no mistakes, & we didn't meet by accident, but by purpose.
How we met? Hmmm 🤔. Let me tell y’all my side of the story.!! Just a little.! 🥰 In 2016, I was in a season of fight or flight, a dark season. Brittany was in a different season but we both came to each other at the perfect time. I was on the young adult choir. Brittany would say the first time we spoke to each other was at church, but we met each other long before then as we later found out. But the church story.! We were sitting on the same row, the person sitting between us decides to get up, & me being the blunt person I am said to Brittany, "You know you can just take a picture, it'll last longer." Since she literally had her phone in my face. Brittany acted like she didn’t understand what I was talking about so we left it as that. She finally got the hint 😂 and decided to text me and our connection was unstoppable. She became my best friend. It was so easy to let her know all my secrets and struggles.. she never judge me or made me feel like I was less than.! We had each other back no matter what we faced on a daily basis.! We really established a foundation over friendship which was amazing.!! We know we have cross path even when we was younger because later I found out that her dad’s side of the family sing quartet just like my mom’s side, and yes they all knew each other. So I feel like we saw each other at singings, but 2016 was the year it was meant for us to see each other in a different way. We needed to notice each other. So here is the story I was telling y’all that I would get back to.. I sold the player herself a promise ring for one of her “whatevers” at the time 😂.. One night Brittany opened her glove department and the receipt fell out, and my beautiful signature was on that receipt.. and when I saw it.. I could remember that day like yesterday.!! I knew they story behind and even what she was wearing that day.. whew.!! It was hilarious. As I said we have crossed paths so many time but we came in each other life the perfect time.! God is amazing and he bought the beautiful soul on my path.!! I am so glad he did.! 🤎💍