November 2, 2019

Laura & Chris



Chris Serrano


Laura Calderon


November 2


It Was Love At First Sight

Summer 2011

It was the summer of 2011, Chris was home on a Saturday night (playing madden) when he receives a call from a friend "K" asking for a ride home from a house party that she was attending. Now this was before the miracle of Uber, back when friends would call each other needing rides after too many cups of jungle juice. As annoyed as he was to end his 5 game winning streak, he went. Upon arriving to the house party, he waited for his drunk friend to come out. K leaves the house and walks over to the car (barely). Before she enters the car, Chris watches as a girl chases after K from the house. As the random girl nears the car, Chris' eyes become bigger. An aura forms around the outline of her body as she begins to hug K. Time slows down as he focuses on her beautiful smile, gorgeous eyes, and flawless person. She suddenly begins walking around the front of the car towards his driver side door. He begins to curse nervously as he nervously steps out. She looks at Chris and says "Heyyyy" as she hugs him. She starts thanking him for picking K up in her drunken state and starts talking about God knows what, as he can't help but to stare at her perfection and smell her lovely fruity fragrance with a mix of tequila. As quickly as she came, she said bye and left running back to the house party. As Chris gets back inside the car with K, he immediately asks K who her friend is. She says to Chris, "Dam, you can't even say Hi first! That's my friend Laura." My Laurita

Finally Got Her Number

Summer 2012

So for the next year Chris would harass K to hook him up with Laura with no success. However on July 14, 2012 his luck would change. He went to Hoboken to celebrate a friends birthday and low and behold Laura was there. He kept his cool but he knew he was going to get her number. As the group was getting drinks, he made his way over to Laura. He introduced himself and asked her what kind of sandwiches did she like. Laura was baffled by Chris' random question and refused to answer, however he kept making her laugh as the conversation continued. As the night ended, Chris asked Laura for her number so that he can ask her whats her favorite sandwich since she never answered his question. Chris saved her number in his phone as Laurita.

Always Loved Each Other


Now shortly after Chris found out Laura's favorite sandwich, the conversation and chemistry between the two was natural and undeniable as they texted nonstop. It was even more prevalent on their first date. The conversation was endless as they grew to know each other over some drinks. Now even though things are shaping up to be a true love story, reality hit. Nothing too serious however they both decided that the timing wasn't right and would remain friends. For the next 4 years they would remain in each other's lives. They wouldn't speak every day, sometimes go months without speaking. However, whenever one reached out to the other, they wouldn't skip a beat. They would go on random dinners and have a phenomenal time. They would call each other randomly after an extended period of time and speak for hours. Unfortunately after the first date, Laura and Chris would always alternate in being in a relationship. Either Laura was in a relationship, or Chris was in a relationship but never single at the same time. Their love for each other was obvious but they respected the boundaries of their friendship.

First Kiss and Never Looked Back

Beginning of 2016 Chris and Laura were finally both single at the same time. Now Chris used to work at the Newark airport at TSA, which came in handy for Laura because he would always push her infront of the line when she was running late for a flight (which was always). One day she booked a flight and even with Chris' help she wasn't able to fly out because they delayed her flight until the next day. Chris was getting off of work at the time that Laura received this news. She asked him for a ride home and he said of course. As he was driving her home, he asked her if she was hungry and they went to go eat at a nearby restaurant. Two sangria pitchers later, Laura informs Chris that her cousin/roommate Danny was having a small party at their apartment and asked him if he wanted to come over. Chris accepted her offer and as he walked into their apartment party, he was met with Danny's homemade Sangria which consists of 85% Grey Goose. Even though they loved their friendship, the love for one on another surpassed that. As they spoke to each other separated from the party, staring into each other eyes, Chris leaned in and kissed Laura. We can all thank Danny's 85% Grey Goose Sangria for finally making it happen. For the next couple months they grew to know each other and became inseparable as they became exclusive 9/5/2016.


As Laura and Chris realized they are each other's soulmates with every passing day, Chris decided that he wanted to make his shorty, his wife. On 9/30/2018 Chris took Laura to Liberty State Park in Jersey City and with the help of their families and friends he was able to ask her to marry him in a beautiful manner. He asked their closest family members and friends to record a 30 sec video on "Why Chris and Laura are good together?." He created a compilation of the videos and had Laura watch the video on a tablet as her back was to both their families holding a giant banner stating, "Will You Marry Me?" At the end of the video, as Laura's eyes were filled with joy, she turned around and was surprised to see their families holding the banner. Chris got on one knee and and asked her hand in marriage. She screamed "Of Course!" as tears continued down her face and her smile was from ear to ear. They were now engaged and looking forward to this next chapter in their lives. See you guys November 2! About to be Lit!

For all the days along the way
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