
Kevin & Lesly








August 19, 2023

Madison, WI

God is rarely early, but he's always on time


Kevin moved to Madison in October 2022 after feeling the Lord directing him to come to here. He had no idea what was in Madison, but there was an opening for him to transfer for his job, so to Madison he came to start over. Neither of us really wanted to date online, but there didn't seem to be a way to meet people. With encouragement from friends, to online dating we both went. We did NOT love it but were open to the process, prayerful that God would bring the right person eventually, and ready to have fun in the meantime. We started chatting around Thanksgiving, and both preferred to start by texting. After chatting for a week or so, we made a plan to meet AT CHURCH! Different than other experiences, we probably went out at least 5 times right away. It was EASY and not awkward. We were instantly comfortable with one another, had things to talk about, and we were also good just being together. We spent Christmas Eve together going to church, and then Kevin came to hang out and be part of our traditional holiday snack eating and movie night where he met Lesly's kids, and the rest is history! We've spent time together every day since then, usually in person, but through video chat a couple of times when we couldn't be in person. Kevin says he knew we were meant to be right away. Lesly said, "We're moving in that direction, but let's get to know each other better." As we spent time together, we talked a lot about our our stories, our hurts, and our hopes for the future. By mid-January, Kevin asked Lesly to marry him and she said yes! When you know, you know! We know that life will not always be perfect (it never is), but we TRULY believe God has brought us together in a way only he could do and has given us a connection that is undeniable. We both love God above all else, love music, and sing (and the cherry on top-Kevin plays guitar beautifully-Lesly just LOVES to hear him play and sing, especially when he serenades her). We love just hanging out and watching tv & movies together, playing games, and going out to do fun things. You'll hear Lesly say she's never been treated so well in her whole life-EVER (and it's true)! She's asked him about a million times, "Are you really real?" Kevin often says "How did I get so lucky?" We are so excited to build a life together with God at the center, and are excited to share our journey with you!

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