December 4, 2021
Arlington Heights, IL

Sarah & Kyle

    Sarah & Kyle







December 4, 2021

Arlington Heights, IL

Distances can't break this Love

There and Back Again.. and Again

Sarah and Kyle lives would begin to intertwine on the 26th of June, a lovely day by all accounts. Sarah had just arrived in Santa Barbara for a weekend trip to visit one of her best friends since childhood (ahem, check the bridal party). Her first stop was a tour of a UCSB chemistry laboratory, where she met Kyle. After saying their greetings they agreed to meet up downtown later that weekend, as this was Sarah's first visit to the area. Shenanigans ensued. Sarah and Kyle had become great friends over a brief weekend, and kept in contact over the next three months. Regular phone calls became the norm, and the text messages never stopped, nor did they want them to. Finally in September of 2016, Sarah was in Santa Barbara again on visit, at which time Kyle made things official. They had their first date on 09/06/2016, coinciding with both of their 24th birthdays. That's right, they have the same birthday, born in different hospitals within hours of each other. Although it was clear that these two were meant to be, their relationship was not without hard work. They lived on opposite sides of the country, with a time difference of two hours. Countless FaceTime dates and phone calls were shared in addition to alternating cross-country trips over the course of an entire year. This long-distance portion of the relationship, however, strengthened the bond between them. At long last, with the support of her friends and family, Sarah moved to the Santa Barbara area. Once Kyle and Sarah were united, the rest was history. Kyle graduated in November of 2020, and proposed not even a week after that. He was ready to be with her for the rest of his life, and he knew she felt the same way about him.

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