October 7, 2023
Fosciandora, Tuscany

SD & JR Elopement


Jesse Rosengrant


Sarah Doughty

October 7, 2023

Fosciandora, Tuscany

Romance Abroad

When asked how they met, Sarah likes to defer to Jesse…as she doesn’t remember it. It was their second day studying abroad in Florence (January, 2015), and they were both staying at the same hotel for a few days before moving into apartments. That night, Jesse and a friend were taking the hotel elevator up to their floor when the doors opened and in stumbled Sarah. (She may have had a few drinks prior.) When the elevator reached her floor, she remained leaning against the wall in front of Jesse and his friend. After a moment, Jesse asked, “are you okay?” Whipping her head around, she responded, “are you okay?” Jesse laughed and asked what her name was. Again, she shot back, “what’s your name?” After getting his name, she shared hers before stepping out of the elevator. Maybe it was the sass, or maybe it was the stunning good looks, but either way something about this fellow student stuck with Jesse. A few nights later, Sarah was at a club with friends when one of them “introduced” her to a handsome friend they bumped into. Sarah started to give this guy her name, but he beat her to it, saying, “You’re Sarah!” Admittedly, she did not remember who he was. After learning about their first meeting, they continued talking until her friends whisked her away to go home. Jesse didn’t hear her say goodbye over the club music, and spent the rest of his time there wondering where she had gone. Two days later, Sarah had a new friend request and message on Facebook. It was Jesse, asking if she wanted to walk up to Piazzo di Michaelangelo with him that day to take photos of the city. Of course she said yes, and the rest is history… …Not really: It was another three months of being close friends before they finally started dating. After a year of long distance back in the U.S., they moved to Massachusetts together in 2016, eventually ending up in New Hampshire in 2022. They can’t wait to share their special day with close family and friends in the place where it all started.

Helpful Phrases for the Trip

Where is ...? Dov'è ...? (dough-vay) *hospital = hospitale (os-pit-tal-ay) *train station = stazione (stat-zee-oh-nay) Please Per favore (pear-fah-vore-ay) Thank you Grazie (graht-zee-eh) Excuse me Scusi (scoo-zee) How much is this? Quanto costa questo? I would like... Vorrei... (vore-ay) Check, please! il conto Fuck off Vaffanculo I don't understand Non capisco I seem to have pooped my pants mi sono fatto la cacca nei pantaloni *bathroom = bagno (bahn-yo) I'm sorry Mi dispiace (me dis-pee-ya-chey) Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries Tua madre era un criceto e tuo padre odora di sambuco

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