July 3, 2022
Vernonia Springs, OR

Sarah & Kat



Kat Brady


Sarah Stevenson

July 3, 2022

Vernonia Springs, OR

How We Met

Spring of 2017

We first met in the coat room of a wellness center in Brooklyn, NY. We were both new Reiki practitioners, attending a Reiki share to practice on one another. As we kept weaving in and out of one another's orbits that winter and spring, we drew closer, warmed by the shared Reiki energy and good conversation. One June evening, we met up at Prospect Park for a "friend hang", to listen to an orchestra play the West Side Story soundtrack under the open air. That night had a series of miracles in store, from fireworks to fog to music on the street, which was the universe's way of telling us that there was something magical between us. We fell in love in a hammock, and declared our hearts to one another in the ocean, and the rest is history!

A Home in Brooklyn

December 2017

In the Winter of 2017, Kat moved into Sarah's home (aka The 236). This was a vibrant 3-bedroom in Brooklyn with a beautiful backyard, and a DIY wellness center that Sarah had just opened in the basement. We had a beautiful few years there, growing gardens, making music, making magic, and building community.

Put A Ring On It

December 2018

On Sarah's birthday in 2018, Kat proposed at the 236 in front of the Christmas tree! Their roommate got it on film. When Kat asked Sarah to marry them, she replied "Yes, but you have to put a ring on it first!" Once the ring was on it was official :-) Sarah proposed back for good measure just before Kat's birthday in Spring of 2019. They also said yes!

Westward Bound

August 2019

In Summer of 2019, we said goodbye to Brooklyn and all of our very nearest and dearest friends and family on the East Coast, packed our newly inherited minivan, and headed West! We were both ready for a change from expensive and hectic NYC, and Kat wanted to transition careers, and begin acupuncture school. We took our time road tripping through the country & Oregon, and officially moved into Portland in August of 2019. Kat began their doctorate degree at OCOM, and Sarah began to build her business and seek out community. Covid obviously hit soon after that, which definitely *impacted* our experience here, but these days we are feeling really great about being here, and love the friends we've made and communities we are a part of!

Tying the Knot

July 2022

We are excited to welcome our dear ones from the East Coast to beautiful Oregon, as well as the wonderful friends we've made in the last few years. We're hoping & planning for an absolutely magical wedding & joyous & celebratory weekend!

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