July 8, 2023
St. Louis, MO

Samantha & Turner


Watercolor Highlight

Turner Herbek


Samantha Greaney

July 8, 2023

St. Louis, MO

Our Story

You ready for this wild ride?

Spring 2009, Sam was in 7th grade, eating lunch with her friends. A cute 8th grade boy walked past her table and she looked at him and shouted "hey, what's your name?" he looked up and said "uhh, me? ...Turner..." then quickly walked away from the group of crazy teenage girls. Sam low-key stalked him until Turner eventually succumbed to their friendship. Fall 2010, At her freshmen year Homecoming dance, Sam’s dreams came true when Turner finally uttered the romantic words of “uhh, do you wanna go out sometime?” Sam and Turner quickly became The It Couple of EHS, ruling the hallways (totally kidding, we were both pretty nerdy). Sam was on Cloud 9 for the next several months. Then one dreary January day, Sam’s dreams were shattered when she got the text from Turner saying he wants to break up. Of course, Turner would come regret this decision for years, or at least Sam assumes he did. Summer 2019, To set the scene: Sam is living in STL with Lexi and Steve (friends from high school), when Turner asks Steve if he could crash at his place for the weekend while he’s in town for work. Scene: The second Turner walked into our apartment that evening, Lexi came running up to Sam, basically giving her approval to date him purely based on his looks. Sam was like nah, been there done that. After an eventful night of Turner getting a drink thrown on his face by some random girl, an act he truly did not deserve, Sam and Turner stayed up late into the night catching up on the last 8 years. They both agree that their conversation that night felt so natural, just like they were catching up with an old friend. Fall 2019, For the next several months, Sam tried very hard to forget about Turner, but she wasn’t very successful seeing as he kept texting her. Sam and Steve’s Daily Gossip Sessions quickly turned into Sam constantly talking about Turner, while trying to justify all of the reasons why she doesn’t like him. 2020, Finally, in January, they decided to make it official while living across the state from one another. On March 16th, Turner moved in with Sam and Steve. Life is looking great, nothing can get in the way. Oh wait. On March 18th, the county goes into quarantine. So not only did they move in together after only dating for 3 months, they now literally cannot leave each other. Summer 2021, Sam and Turner finally ditch Steve and get their own apartment. Turner was ready to propose, having a grand plan to do it on a hike in Washington. Again, nothing can get in the way this time. Kidding! Sam tested positive for COVID the day before they were to leave for WA. Fall 2021, After a ruined proposal opportunity, Turner was pretty desperate to find a new plan. Finally, on October 16th, Turner got down on one knee and proposed to Sam at the Faust Park Butterfly House in front of the super romantic Halloween exhibit of scorpions and brown recluse. Okay, so it wasn't in front of the scorpions and brown recluse, it was in the butterfly exhibit. But still, they had scorpions and brown recluse on display? Present Day, They have somehow tolerated each other for this long and seem to want to keep it up. That's true love. TL;DR Friends when we were teenagers, grew apart, reconnected, dated, soon to be married.

For all the days along the way
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