September 25, 2021
The Woodlands, Texas

Natalie & Ryan

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Hillary Rothenberg

Maid of Honor

Contrary to popular belief, Hillary and Natalie are not twins. They've grown from the days where their mom used to dress them up in matching outfits, becoming not only sisters but great friends, Longhorn football fanatics, and travel buddies.

Gordon Stephens

Best Man

Gordon is Ryan's brother, coming in about four years younger and four inches taller. Apart from the weird giraffe gene, some would say they look alike. When they get together, they like to bond over their shared love of frisbee, golf, disc golf, and silly quotable movies.

Julia Bisping

Matron of Honor

Julia and Natalie became best friends when Julia came to Memorial Middle School. Though one was quiet and sweet and the other loud and sarcastic, they instantly bonded over their shared silliness and have kept each other close since. After college, they chose to be roommates for 3 years, bringing them impossibly closer.

Jacob Wolfe


Ryan and Jake have been best friends since high school where they met at a youth group retreat. Though they both played on the golf team together, their friendship was cemented over many games of Halo. Also the occasional Tough Mudder (see photo above). Jake and Ryan were wingmen the night Ryan met Natalie.

Anna Parkey


Anna and Natalie have had a "long-distance relationship" since going to rival high schools. No matter how much space has separated them, from Austin to Savannah to New York to Italy, they have always managed to put each other first. Anna even wormed her way in to be there for Natalie's engagement.

Eric Sieloff


Ryan and Eric have been best bros and workout partners since high school and throughout their time at the University of Tulsa. When Eric finds time away from his residency to come home to Houston, he and Ryan always enjoy catching up over a beer.

Morgan Papageorge


It's rare to find these two together and not laughing. Morgan and Natalie have been friends since the 6th grade and have only grown closer through going to UT together and helping each other through their post-college years. Morgan was Natalie's wingwoman the night she met Ryan.

Todd Cheney


Ryan and Todd "Weenie Cheney" Cheney have been friends since their childhood days in Casper, Wyoming, where they would compete in everything from ping pong to basketball to geometry. Though ideologically different in many ways, they share a love of competition and a good party, and what else do you really need?

Katie Jaska


Katie and Natalie were thrown together in just about every class in the seventh grade and came away as the best study partners and friends anyone could ask for. They never let their maroon and burnt orange blood get in the way of their forever friendship.

Tim Bunag


Tim and Ryan were fraternity brothers in Kappa Sigma at Tulsa and now brothers in the pipeline business. They've come a long way from choreographing fraternity dances together to now cheering on the Rockets and attending the occasional EDM concert.

Jamie Wang


Memorial Middle School, Stratford High School, and UT brought and kept Jamie and Natalie close. Seemingly very opposite, these two have always shown each other unconditional support and love and help each other not take themselves so seriously.

Eric Weidemann


Roommates at the frat house, Ryan and Eric have been great friends since their days at Tulsa. They shared everything from the same major (Energy Management) to the same study abroad program (Aberdeen) to the same pair of jeans (oops).

Karishma Amin


Karishma and Natalie met at work in 2015 and immediately clicked. These two bb's are always there for each other, no matter how crazy life gets. Karishma's claim to fame is that she was the first person to know that Ryan was the one, even before Natalie knew.

Will Nicholson


Will was the first person Ryan met at Tulsa, as next-door neighbors freshman year. They have remained great friends post-college by visiting each other to and from Houston and Austin and keeping up with interesting hobbies- like hashing. Google it.

Alex Rittenberry


Alex and Natalie have been friends since middle school but became inseparable as roommates freshman year at UT. Sharing a love for all things Friends, Harry Potter, and just being really sarcastic and weird, their friendship has remained strong through living in different cities.

Alex Rothenberg


Brought together by Natalie, Ryan and Alex have been friends since 2017. At Ryan's first Passover, the two bonded over actually kind of liking Manischewitz. The two are always down for a quality board game and a chill night.

Lauren Grubbs


Lauren and Natalie met junior year of college when they studied abroad together in Milan. They became fast friends and travel buddies, choosing over and over again to travel across Europe together from Ireland and France and Italy to Poland and Ukraine and Croatia.

Ryan Fesler


Ryan and Ryan were roommates in college and became casino and restaurant buddies. Whenever Fesler travels to Houston for work, they always find time for Top Golf and Tex Mex.

Ava Miller


Cousins Ava and Natalie have known each other since Natalie was born. They've been through countless family football games together and share a mutual respect for pickles and the Baba.

Tate Savage


Ryan and Tate are fraternity brothers and co-founders of the yacht club- membership: 2. They bonded over their shared hobbies of ultimate frisbee and sailing, while beginning their careers together as landmen at ConocoPhillips.

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