November 9, 2019
Horsham, Pennsylvania

Ryan & Kristen


We're getting married!

Kristen Smith


Ryan Ulring


November 9, 2019

Horsham, Pennsylvania

How We Met

March 2013

We both attended Shippensburg University and met at a mutual friend's party at her apartment. He was drinking Lions Head and she wanted to help figure out the answer to the picture riddle on the cap. After that there were tweets, Facebook updates, and other get togethers that helped us keep in touch, even through the summer. In September of 2013, we finally made it official!

The Proposal


It was the end of our summer vacation visiting New Orleans. He had suggested a gondola ride in City Park close to sunset. We were turning around and saw a bottle floating in the water. The gondolier asked Ryan to pick it up to help keep litter out of the water. Ryan handed the bottle to Kristen, who noticed a red ribbon hanging out of it. As she pulled out the ribbon, an old looking, rolled up note was inside. After reading the words "Kristen Minnie Smith" on the top, she knew. While reading the note, Ryan got on one knee in front of her and asked her to marry him. She replied "Are you kidding me? Are you sure? YES!" What a great end to that vacation!

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