
Ryan & Diego


We're Getting Married!






March 29, 2024

Woodbury, NY

Where It All Began

First comes school, then comes marriage!

Ryan first noticed Diego in the fall of 2019 at a Student Government meeting, while Ryan was in his second year of law school it was both their first semester at Harvard. They did not really speak that first night but would eventually speak much more often in a constitutional law class they took together during the spring of 2020. Diego found himself intrigued by Ryan at times (and infuriated by his views always), alas the semester was interrupted by COVID-19 briefly putting their growing friendship on pause. They were fated to meet again (virtually) that summer, however, as officers for the 2020-21 Student Government team. (To date, Ryan maintains — and Diego disputes — that Diego was his superior.) During their weekly interactions, they quickly became close, and they began to talk regularly. They had a connection that just clicked, but with the pressures of law school, the raging pandemic, and just the insurmountable difficulties of remote social interaction Ryan occasionally (Diego would say often) dropped the ball. (Despite Diego’s best attempts to enthrall him with interesting conversation, Ryan would often leave him hanging. Diego rationally understood that Ryan was a good student and therefore was constantly focused on his work and could not afford idle distractions. But Diego was never good at being rational.) Yet, despite their increasingly lengthy and constant chats, they were still faced with one titanic obstacle: distance. For you see, Ryan was spending the remainder of the academic year in Cambridge, Massachusetts, while Diego was 1,549 miles away at his home in Dallas, Texas. Then, everything changed when Diego traveled to Massachusetts in the spring of 2021 to see Ryan. Their virtual connection not only endured when they saw each other in person again, but it intensified. Seeing each other solidified what they had both already been thinking: that they were perfect for each other. From that moment on, Ryan and Diego were inseparable. The pandemic presented a unique circumstance either thousands of miles apart or always together. After being apart for the beginning of their relationship, they lived together for a summer in a small apartment while Ryan studied for (and passed!) the bar. When school and work started in the fall they were forced to apart physically but their love only grew. Ryan began planning his proposal in earnest and in secret. By next summer they were living together again this time in the city while Ryan worked and Diego studied for (and passed!) the bar.

The Engagement

California Dreaming

By the end of the summer they both were ready to embark on a much needed vacation to California and Disneyland. Unbeknownst to Diego this would be a life changing trip for both of them, on the first day Ryan proposed in front of their families. In the two years they have been together life has already thrown so many challenges, opportunities, and adventures their way through it all their love for each other has only grown. They are so excited to have you join them on their greatest adventure yet as they begin the rest of their live together, their engagement and wedding!

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