July 31, 2021
Columbus, Ohio

Robert & Sarah



Robert Beach


Sarah Case

July 31, 2021

Columbus, Ohio

UPDATE May 2021

COVID-19 Health Orders

Our venue has now lifted mask requirements for vaccinated guests, but is still encouraging social distancing. As always, we strongly encourage our guests to get vaccinated such that your last dose occurs before July 16th, and ask that guests continue to behave safely and responsibly during all travel and festivities related to our wedding. Please email myself at s.case.103@gmail.com, or Robert at beach_r@ymail.com, if you have any other questions. We look forward to celebrating with you!

UPDATE April 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

In light of the fact that as of this writing the U.S. now has universal vaccine eligibility for adults, we have decided to move forward with our wedding date of July 31st, 2021. When we chose to postpone a year ago, we did so in the hopes that a vaccine for COVID-19 would be available by our postponed date, so that we could someday celebrate with our friends and loved ones. As such, we are incredibly thankful for the fact that more than one vaccine not only exists, but that they exist in good supply in the U.S. at this time. For guests wishing to join us in person, we strongly encourage you to get vaccinated, and to do so such that your last dose occurs at least 2 weeks before our wedding. For guests who are unable to attend, we understand completely. We are planning to have a livestream or Zoom option available if you still plan to join us virtually. (Please note that as of this time our wedding venue is still required to adhere to Ohio health orders, some amount of masking and social distancing included. However, these health orders will be lifted if Ohio can achieve a specific reduction in weekly COVID cases by our wedding date. Either way, it's of the utmost importance to us that our guests be able to celebrate safely.) Because we're just a few months away from the wedding, if you plan to attend and we have not spoken to you already, Robert and I would be very grateful if you could send either of us an email or message by Monday, April 26, with the following: -Whether you think you'll be attending in person or virtually -If attending in person: your mailing address, especially if you have moved since January 2020   -If attending in person: whether you will be able to complete a full COVID vaccine regimen by July 16  -Any other wedding-related questions you may have. My email address is s.case.103@gmail.com and Robert's is beach_r@ymail.com. Thanks, and all our love! Ohio DoH COVID portal: https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home

UPDATE April 2020

COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic

In light of current projections that the COVID-19 pandemic will be with us for some time, we have decided to postpone our wedding to July 31st 2021. We love our guests and want you all to be able to celebrate with us in health and safety. In the coming weeks, we plan to send "change the dates" in the mail to replace our save the dates, and to notify any guests who have not already been notified of the postponement. Feel free to send any additional questions via email to s.case.103@gmail.com. We give our sincerest well wishes to you all and your loved ones during this time.

Our First Date

Shortly after we both earned our bachelor's degrees from Ohio State at the same commencement ceremony in the spring of 2016, we started chatting and felt like there might be a spark, so we decided to go on a date. Being go-with-the-flow people, we didn't want to put too much pressure on our first date, and decided to meet up at the Oval on campus to walk and talk and get to know each other. We fell into conversation quickly, and eventually wandered into the first restaurant that looked appetizing: the Happy Greek on High Street. We sat in the back patio garden surrounded by string lights and the warm spring air, and Robert got Sarah to try calamari--she wouldn't eat squid for just anybody! Not wanting the date to end, we decided to walk and talk some more along High Street, and eventually worked up the courage to try out walking arm in arm. A woman passing by called out to us and said we made a cute couple. A good omen if we ever heard one!

The Accidental Proposal

We first moved in together in early July 2017, but for a few days after the lease was signed, Sarah was still on the lease for her previous apartment and spent her nights there to finish packing. As a result, Robert was left alone in the new apartment on his first night of living in it, but the bed was unpacked and set up in the master bedroom, so he laid down to what he thought would be a well-deserved rest. He turned out the lights, looked up at the ceiling... and there, in glow-in-the-dark paint, was written "will you marry me?" Cue lots of confusion, a few speedy texts, and plenty of laughter when we found out what happened: turns out, the previous tenants had painted the message on the ceiling, and the landlords never painted over it. It must have worked out for them, because we would occasionally receive mail intended for "Mr. and Mrs. Theirname" for the entire year we lived there. (The landlords never did get around to painting over the message for the year we lived there either!)

The Real Proposal on April First

In the spring of 2019, we would frequently play Stardew Valley after work to unwind. Stardew Valley is a cute and meditative video game where players can manage a virtual farm together, and, if you play for long enough, you can save up to purchase an in-game wedding ring for another player. Robert spent the week prior to Sarah's birthday on April Fool's Day figuring out how to get the virtual ring, and invited her to play the game with him that evening. Sure enough, his game character pops the question! While Sarah is distracted with the game, Robert gives her a birthday card addressed "to my wife." Sarah thinks this is all very cute; a video game proposal on April Fool's Day--but what's on the back of the card? It's a picture of the glow-in-the-dark message on the ceiling of their first apartment... and before Sarah knows it, Robert is down on one knee for real, with a real ring! Turns out Robert had been conspiring with Sarah's family for months beforehand to get an heirloom ring cleaned and sized for Sarah's hand in marriage, and here we are now. Hope you'll share in our joy on July 31st, 2021!