The year was 2011 and Mary had just moved back to the Pacific Northwest and was starting a new job teaching 3rd grade. Enter an adorable 3rd grader and her dad, Robert, who taught 2nd grade down the hall. Little did any of them know what would be in store for their future.
A night out at the movies to see 42 (Robert loves baseball) was to be the first outing for Robert & Mary. But, life happened and that movie date never occurred.
Time passed and Mary moved to Texas while Robert moved to Moses Lake, WA. Fast forward to 2020 and Mary relocated back to Vancouver, WA to be with her daughters. Then, COVID hit and the world went topsy turvy. But, a few short months later Robert and Mary would reconnect. And instead of meeting up for that movie date that never happened, Robert and Mary decided to spend the weekend camping together. They've been inseparable ever since.