September 9, 2022
Rye, NH

Renna & James


Watercolor Highlight

James Watkins


Renna Watkins


September 9, 2022

Rye, NH

How We Met


We met as children, Renna spent a lot of time with her grandparents who lived two houses down from Jamey and his parents. We hung out as part of a larger group of kids (Renna’s aunt & uncle went to school with Jamey’s cousin Nick) and there was never a shortage of fun to be had. Many a day was spent swimming in either the Philbrick pool, braving leaches in the Watkins pond, playing flashlight tag in the “pit”, or ripping around Jamey’s long driveway on go-carts. It was those years playing as free-range kids that Renna started developing a childhood crush on Jamey.

How We Reconnected


One Christmas break when Renna was home from Miami she decided to randomly reach out to Jamey to catch up, and as luck would have it he was free. A few days later Renna returned to Miami and we continued to text over the course of the next month. At that same time, Renna decided that she had grown sick of Miami (after 6 months) and missed being near family, once she had made the decision to move home she texted Jamey and said “Just to let you know, I’m moving home and as my only friend here, you’re stuck with me”. Spoiler alert… he was in fact stuck with her.

How He Proposed


We were on our annual post-Thanksgiving pilgrimage to Nantucket with friends, shortly after arriving at the house, Jamey asked if Renna wanted to go for a walk with Cliff on the beach. Needing to complete a couple of tasks for work before signing off for the weekend, Renna begged for a “few minutes”. After a second or third request, Renna shut her laptop, and soon after Jamey, Renna & Cliff headed down to the beach for a foggy afternoon walk. A couple of minutes later Renna paused to take a photo of Cliff on the beach and when she turned around to get Jamey’s attention he was waiting on one knee. Renna’s pretty sure he asked her to marry him but the shock of the moment must have caused a blockage to hear earholes because she said “what” in response, he did, in fact, ask again and Renna said yes!

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