June 16, 2018
Honey Brook, PA

Regan & Christopher

    Wedding Party
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Wedding Party

Jenna Jaser

Maid of Honor

After 22 years of friendship, Jenna is more than Regan's oldest friend; she's a sister, an honorary Dohm...and it all started because a puppy pooped on Regan's shirt.

Jesse Jones

Best Man

Jesse claims to be an ornery fellow, but deep down inside, he has a heart of gold for cats and his friends. He and Chris became close friends after college and eventually roommates for a few wonderful years. His spirit animal is the goose.

Emily Graham

Maid of Honor

We have a comically and crudely drawn fish to thank for bringing Emily and Regan together. It would take Emily's wit, council, and companionship to nurture the once awkward and uncomfortable Regan of high school into the slightly less awkward Regan of today.

Morgan Hoffman

Best Man

Master of puns. The world's strongest ginger. Morgan was Chris' roommate during their final year of college, but a simple arrangement eventually blossomed into a beautiful bromance, filled with sushi and obstacle course races.

Laura Dohm


Laura volunteered to join the Dohm clan when she married Regan's brother Brian in 2015. That courage alone has earned her a spot on Regan's bridesmaids team.

Myke Moll


The man responsible for that initial spark in many of the groom's hobbies and interests, the older brother of the groom fulfilled his sibling duties in childhood well, from being influential to relentless teasing.

Lauren McMasek


Lauren, you cunning, pliable, chestnut-haired sunfish... from Environmental Studies classes at Ursinus College to the roller coaster world of post-graduate life, Lauren has been a constant and loyal companion in Regan's life.

Eric Moll


The groom has viewed the youngest of the Moll brothers as always copying him, but the truth is Eric pours his heart and soul into his pursuits to excel beyond Chris. He currently is crushing it at running and brewing.

Michele Nucatola


While Michele is technically Regan's "Little" in sorority terms, more often than not, Michele and her beautiful, old soul have guided Regan more as a BIG sister!

Tom Nucatola


Like many of those close to the groom, Tom has been an influential and loyal friend. He would want you to believe that his passion for history is to better himself as a citizen, but the groom knows from firsthand experience that it's specifically to dominate at quizzo.

Anna Larouche


Anna lived with Regan in their junior year at Ursinus College, which somehow didn't scare her away. For this and so much more, Anna just may be the strongest woman in Regan's life.

Kevin Mentzer


Fellow beer enthusiast and homebrewer, Kevin was the catalyst for the groom to begin his own adventures transforming barley, hops, yeast, and water into delicious beer. The groom still needs to take Kevin to the greatest sushi restaurant in Pennsylvania.

Brian Dohm


With only 16 months between them, the bride and her brother Brian have always been close. They've shared a lot through the years, from matching bowl cuts to Ultimate frisbee, and now Chris and Regan are thrilled to share their special day with such a swell guy.

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