March 14, 2022
Lodi, NJ

Queren & Matias


We’re getting married!!!


Matias Pereira


Queren Ali

March 14, 2022

Lodi, NJ

How We Met

Spoiler alert: Matias fell in love first.

Queren and Matias met in New York during the Winter of 2019. One chilly weekend they both agreed to meet up at an Arcade with mutual friends. There they met for the first time when Matias sat by her during dinner. After Queren introduced herself, they immediately hit it off-laughing over Queren's unique name and enjoying each others company. They left that night without exchanging contact information but would soon see each other in a few weeks when Queren and her closest friends would throw a party. At the time, Queren had no idea that Matias couldn't wait to speak to her again. With all the commotion of loud music and friends exchanging hellos, Queren was in a million places at once. At the end of the night when everyone said their goodbyes-a few friends stuck around to sing karaoke and laugh some more. With no cake, music, or guests to worry about Queren and Matias were able to reconnect. They instantly became the best of friends and have spoken everyday since then.

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