June 5, 2021
Los Angeles, CA

Laura & Matthew

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party


Maid of Honor

Kell and I met in 6th grade and there really is no one quite like her. For the past 20 years she has been at almost all of our family functions, including numerous family vacations and she has her own stocking hanging on the fireplace at my dads house. She is basically my family.


Best Man

Jeremy has been Matt's best friend/brother since birth. Fun fact, Matt asked Jeremy to be his best man over the jumbotron at the Houston Rockets game on NYE. It was adorable :)



Court and I became close freshman year at FSU. After college, she shockingly followed me to LA and gave me some of the best years of my life! We were roommates in LA for 4 years which included us sharing a full size bed for the first 3 months, a Thanksgiving dinner on the floor of a furniture-less apartment and a ton of (un)forgettable nights. Courtney was living with me in LA when Matt and I first started dating. Matt doesn't even realize that if it wasn't for Courts approval and encouragement, none of this would be happening. <3



Ryan and Matt worked together at The Late Late Show w/ Craig Ferguson (which is also where I met Matt). Fun fact: Ryan replaced Matt as the horses ass. If you are interested in learning more about this fun fact, Ryan would love to discuss further.



Although we knew each other in high school, Viki and I really became instant friends freshman year at FSU. Together with Courtney, the 3 of us make the perfect trio. While Court and I frolicked the streets of LA, Vik went to PA school and became the most successful of the 3 of us. She is my blonde bombshell with brains and one day I hope to be half as good of a mom as she is to her sweet baby Ike.



Jake is truly one of the funniest people I (Laura) have ever met and for that reason alone, he has secured himself a spot on the team. Fun fact: he wears a size 15 shoe.



When Matt and I first started dating, he couldn't wait for me to meet Ashley, one of his best friends. He told me I would love her and he just knew we would click -- he was absolutely right. She genuinely cares about her friends and constantly puts others before herself. Ashley, her husband Art and their pup Teddy feel like family to us.



Lowell is someone who will not be happy that his friendship with Matt is now on blast. He is somehow the loudest and quietest friend of Matt's and can actually get Matt to TALK on the phone (Matt HATES talking on the phone). Fun fact: Lowell has an incredible voice (but if you ask him to sing he'll roll his eyes)



Somehow this friendship is only 4 years in length, but deeper than most have in a lifetime. We work together every day, (used to) talk on the phone during the commute to and from work, text all hours and somehow still want to hang on the weekend. Matt is very jealous of all of this. I truly don't know how I would have made it through the hardest time in my life without the support of Janice.



KP and I had a mutual friend who introduced us to each other when she was moving to LA from Florida 6 years ago. Coincidentally, I was looking for a roommate and she was looking for a place to live. We had 1 skype sesh and then she moved in the next week. KP is an incredible friend, she loves deep and I swear she can cry on cue haha. She is the life of the party and I cant wait for you all to meet her!

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