August 12, 2022
Redlands, CA

The Ploum’s

    Event Schedule


Katelin Carmichael


Alex Ploum


August 12, 2022

Redlands, CA

Our Story

Alex & Katelin met in Fall 2012. Katelin was a soccer player and Alex was a football jock. They quickly became friends from working together in their 5th period Link Crew class. They created the largest pay it forward project ever completed at the school that semester and even were each others Homecoming dance dates! Alex and Katelin both had little crushes on each other but were all too stubborn to tell the other one. As the months flew by their friendship stayed and they said small “hi’s” to one another in the halls up until Alex’s graduation date. Throughout the next few years the two of them kept in touch here and there with quick messages checking on each other. As they both underwent failed relationship after failed relationship they found themselves falling back on the other person. In May 2019, Alex went on a limb and started messaging Katelin every single day. As their conversations became more intense their feelings for each other grew. Alex treated Katelin for their first date on August 28, 2019. The bowling and beer were winners and safe to say this was the start of something beautiful. On December 7, 2019 they offically became exclusive as boyfriend and girlfriend. Their fairy tale doesn’t end there, on July 3, 2020 they found out they were pregnant with their first born! The 9 months quickly flew by and before they knew it Wyatt Aaron Christiaan Ploum was born on February 5, 2021. Quickly the two of them grew up and moved into their own apartment and on April 10, 2021 Alex finally POPPED the question and asked Katelin to be his wife!

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