October 7, 2023
Tomball, TX

Sadie & Roman


Roman Pacheco


Sadie Upton


October 7, 2023

Tomball, TX

How We Met

Sadie's Version

We met in August 2013 at a high school football game. Roman was looking for his friends and a seat in the sea of people, we all know how crazy student sections can be! I thought he was cute so I asked my friend to scoot over since their row had space. We got to talking and realized we had a class together, nutrition. I knew at that moment she was going to look him up on all the socials and make her move. That following Monday was a holiday so on Tuesday I made sure the boy in class was the right one, it was. On Wednesday I wrote a quick little note “Hey! Hit me up sometime! *phone number here* Sorry if this is weird, but I don’t care! LOL -Sadie” at lunch and put it in his seat before he got to class. Roman called that night but naturally, I didn’t answer since I hated talking on the phone and was at dinner. I texted him after and the rest is history. Fun fact, when Roman asked me to be his girlfriend the first time I said shit I don’t know and ran away. I did apologize and explained I was nervous and luckily, he tried again a few weeks later, this time with me saying yes.

How We Met

Roman's Version

It was Friday, August 30th, the day before my birthday and the day of our high school varsity football game. I was tired and wasn't feeling up to going out but for some reason, my dad insisted on me going, he never really cared if I went or not so it definitely seemed strange to me. I showed up late so the stands were full and I couldn't spot anyone I knew. I eventually stopped on the stairs to just scan and look until I heard her voice. Sadie was sitting at the end of the row and said I could sit with her if I wanted. I was instantly thrown aback and barely managed to stammer out thanks as she shifted her and her friend's spots to make room for me. I was so nervous but our conversation quickly took off. We actually recognized each other from one of our classes. From there it's all history, but if it wasn't for my dad and my lack of communication with my friends, who knows if we would have come together.

The Proposal

Sadie's Version

We had flown back to Texas for the weekend to celebrate Roman’s grandmother’s birthday in Galveston. The weather had been kinda icky but was supposed to clear up on Saturday so the family had decided to take pictures and explore the Strand. I was having a little panic attack about my outfit. Looking back I was probably worrying everyone. Once we all got ready, we headed out and started taking pictures. I was taking one with his sister and when I turned around Roman was on one knee holding the box, and I proceeded to say shit and be overcome with feelings, this is a habit for me as you read above. He started talking but all I remember hearing was “I’m tired of being boyfriend and girlfriend, will you marry me”. I of course said yes and put the ring on before he had the chance, I was clearly excited. Then my dad, brother, and best friend came out. The whole group was excited and we proceeded to a bar for shots, tequila of course. We had designed and ordered a ring a few prior to this but I had no idea it would be ready so soon but boy was I happy it was.

The Proposal

Roman's Version

Sadie and I have been looking at rings for the longest time and we had finally found the perfect one. The problem was that it wouldn't be available for 3-4 weeks and we had a trip planned to go visit Galveston with all my family for my grandmother's birthday in 2 weeks. This would be the perfect situation for a proposal, I can invite her friends and family for the evening so everyone is there and there are plenty of excuses for us to get dressed up and look good for pictures. I spoke to Tiger(Helzberg employee) and with a little coin to grease the gears I got the ring early. I spent the next two weeks panicking that the ring wouldn't make it in time but luckily the day before my flight it came in. Now that I had that I could start calling her family and friends to set up the surprise. On the fateful day, I was so nervous but apparently, Sadie had more things to worry about, she had no idea about the proposal but was still panicked enough about her outfit that she was crying. I played it cool and told her that she looked great but of course, that only brought up the tension for me. We set up an evening of shopping and exploring in downtown Galveston and as we walked up to the Strand there was a large mural that was perfect for pictures. We took a few and my sister asked to get one with her so as they had that picture I stood in the background with the ring. As Sadie turned around I got on a knee and spoke the words. Sadie instantly burst into tears and said “Ah shit, yes” and then took the ring out of my hand before I could even put it on her, she was obviously excited. Her father, brother, and best friend came out of hiding and we all laughed and cried, I think I did a pretty good job.