We met online on Instagram. On 05/14/2022, James replied to an IG story Nikki posted about her clever idea to roast s’mores with Reese peanut butter cups in place of the standard Hershey chocolate bar. The conversations evolved but Nikki and James were 3.5 hours away from one another. On May 30th, 2023, James took a summer family vacation to Dallas. Nikki invited James over for a meet and greet. The relationship evolved and developed with great commitment from both partners to close the distance gap!
On July 3rd, 2023. James, Nikki, Ayana, and Theodore went magnet fishing. James proclaimed that if he caught a metal ring he was going to propose. He dropped the line and stated he found one. Nikki was in disbelief. James planted a small metal ring on the magnet and proposed, without hesitation Nikki said “Yes” and a few other choice words! We're so excited to celebrate this next chapter in our lives with you. See you in November.