
Nicole & Brian

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Nicole Siess and Brian Papazian


Maid of Honor

Christine is Nicole's sister-in-law. My sister, my best friend, and my role model. Thank you for being the one I can run to in any season. The way you walk through life is such grace and strength inspires me. I thank God for giving me such an amazing person to call my sister.


Best Man

Brandon is Brian's brother. My best friend for life. Always for the boys and the biggest sports fan in the world. Thanks for always being there for me. Can’t wait to celebrate with you!



Jess and Nicole became best friends during their freshman year at Rosary High School. Thank you for being an unwavering source of fun and happiness. Our friendship has continually blessed me, and I can't wait to have you by my side as you have always been.



Ryan is Brian's future brother-in-law. I met Ryan when Nicole and I started dating. Thanks for showing me how to be a great family man/ father figure. I appreciate you taking me in like a little brother. So excited to join your family!


Flower Girl

Ely is Nicole's niece. Her favorite color is hot pink because it is "really pinky". She hopes to become a waitress because serving food looks fun. Her hobbies include legos, playing outside, reading, and dancing, specifically hip hop. We can't wait for you to be our flower girl!


Ring Bearer

Rex is Nicole's nephew. His favorite color is orange because it is a cool color. He wishes to pursue his passion for reptiles by becoming a herpetologist. His hobbies include golf, legos, playing with robo snake toys, cracking jokes, and caring for animals. We can't wait for you to be our ringbearer!

Rocky & Lisa

Parents of the Bride

Mom and Dad, The way you love each other has taught me what it means to love. Thank you for always being there to celebrate with me and lift me in times of need. Thank you for being my guide and source of wisdom in everything I do. I can not fully express my love and gratitude for both of you.

Kirk & Mindy

Parents of the Groom

Thanks for always leading me in the right direction and teaching me how to be a good person. I can’t thank you enough for your support and everything you have done for Nicole and me. So excited to enjoy this day together. Love you guys!

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