As most of you know Nicky’s sister is my long time bestie Khara. I’ve always known about Nicky which I recall many moons ago when she came to my old house I thought then geez how can Khara’s sister make my head turn… but obviously things never went anywhere.. Then some years later our paths crossed again when Khara was staying with me and I started to talk to Nicky when she lived in Georgia. Shortly after talking Nicky moved to Kenosha from Georgia with her twins. We dated for a few years but like they say right person wrong time. We went our separate ways. I thought of her and the twins often wondering how life would of been if what we had ended. Well that day ended of me wondering when on my birthday the moment I was waiting for came to reality. I get a text message of a picture of cinnamon bread.. (my favorite) from Nicky and from then on life changed. At this time she was living Upnorth and we dated long distance for over a year until she moved back to Kenosha. We both knew we are meant to be. Well now we’re finally putting it all together officially. We have 4 wonderful children and 1 grandson together that are all becoming one. We both realize life is too short and why continue to wait around so we’re jumping all in to combine our lives together. She’s the best thing that has happened to me. Don’t get me wrong she drives me crazy 90% of the time but I couldn’t imagine living without her and her craziness. I’m sure she feels the same way about me, except I’m not crazy. ;)