
Katie & Max

    The "I-Do" Crew

The "I-Do" Crew

The Wedding Website of Katie Adams and Max Fortnum
Meet our people :)

Jake Fortnum

Best Man

Jake is Max's brother, first friend, roommate, and now best man! Jake is such a loving, dependable, and all-around amazing person. Max is beyond lucky to have him as his right-hand man.

Mia Wood

Maid of Honor

Mia has been the BEST MOH and Katie is so incredibly thankful. Mia is Katie's cousin and has always been one of her best friends. She has been a big part of Katie's life and has always been loyal, sweet, fun, and kind.

Riley Fackler


Riley is Max's cousin and one of his closest friends. Riley has always given Max great advice from what clothes to wear to general life advice. Even more, Riley helped Max out in college by venmo-ing him for drinks ;)

Joe Adams

Bro of Honor

Katie's younger 'bro' of honor. Joe is just 2 years younger than Katie's and has grown to be one of her go-to people and best friends. Joe has always had her back, gives her great advice, and has such a fun & loving spirit about him. (Max and Katie had to fight over who gets him on their side!)

Patrick Fackler


Patrick is Max's cousin and one of his favorite people to play games with. Patrick loves being outdoors and going on crazy adventures. Whether Max wants to go outside and hike or stay inside and play games, Patrick is his go to.

Hattie Adams


Hattie is Katie's sister in law. Hattie has been so sweet, helpful, and kind to Katie over the years. Even more, she has the CUTEST family... you may see her two little ones walking down the isle before Katie and Max's big day.

Spencer Fackler


Spencer is Max's oldest cousin and an amazing father to two wonderful kids. Even though Spencer is busy as a dedicated father and engineer, he still always makes time for League with Max.

Victoria Powell


Vica is one of Katie's cousins. Vica has one of the sweetest hearts and is so kind & compassionate. Vica has been by Katie's side through it all! Katie is so excited & blessed to have her apart of her family.

Josh Adams


Josh is Max's FUTURE brother-in-law. Although Max and Josh have only met a few times due to distance, they always grow closer and have a great time together. Whether it was flights to Texas or fantasy football, Max is so thankful to have met Josh and have him on his side. Even more, Josh has the best kids.

Becca Skulsky


Becca is the girlfriend of Katie's cousin, Eddie & is basically part of the family! She fit right into our family and Katie is so thankful for her. She is super sweet and kind and makes the BEST lemon squares.

Nick Seitz


Nick was Max's big bro in their fraternity at SDSU. Nick has been such a loyal and caring friend to both Max & Katie. Nick is the reason Max and Katie are HUGE Disney fans and make questionable financial decisions when in the park.

Layla Rodriguez


Layla has been such a loyal, fun, and loving friend to Katie over the years. They have been friends since high school when they decided to raise chickens together for their senior project. Since then, they LOVE spending time together over beach walks, charcuterie, and hikes.

Nick Wilbur


Nick has been Max's first friend since they met in the womb. Since then, they have just gotten closer and closer and Max knows Nick is always a great person to go to for deep talks and life advice.

Mackenzie Vick


Kenzie has been one of Katie's best friends for almost 10 years now. Katie met Kenzie during cheer and was Kenzie's "big sis." Their friendship really hit it off when Katie brought her half a muffin because Katie forgot her gift. They have been friends ever since!

Cameron Gietzon


Cameron was Max's pledge bro in AGO and they quickly became great friends. Max knows Cameron is always down to play some poker or go on some random crazy adventure.

Jenna Lamberta


Jenna and Katie became besties while rooming together in nursing school. They kicked ass together in school & went through a lot of studying, clinicals, and wine together while living in Azusa. Make sure to ask Jenna about her wiener ;)

Alex Trees


Alex was one of Max's AGO brothers and his last roommate in the house. Max and Alex got to graduate the same year together and distance hasn't stopped them from seeing each other and playing video games together.

Maya Hanaoka


Maya and Katie cheered together in high school and have been best friends ever since. Katie could not have made it through cheer without her! Maya has always been such a sweet and loving friend to Katie.