Fridays at the University of Maryland are known for bolting home after your last class of the week and kicking off the weekend with your best friends at Happy Hour. It wasn’t until one particular Friday in May 2015 that Allie and Nate were spending time with their mutual friends and celebrating the end of the semester when they were introduced by Allie’s sister Emily. The rest was history. There was an instant connection, and they remember spending that whole day laughing and getting to know each other, as if there was no one else in the room. When summer came and campus emptied, Allie and Nate spent many days together while Nate lived in College Park completing an internship. Allie introduced Nate to the best of Maryland, bringing him to her hometown to meet her family, picking crabs at a local pub, and exploring downtown Annapolis, among other things. Allie and Nate began dating at the start of the next semester and have been together for eight years since. Upon graduating from the University of Maryland, they started their careers in Washington, DC. In 2023, Allie and Nate moved into a house together in Old Town Alexandria, which they now call home. They will always feel grateful for that Friday in May.
In August 2022, Allie and Nate took a trip to Italy with Allie’s mom, dad, sister, and grandparents. They spent ten days on the beautiful island of Ischia. Throughout the week, they talked about a famous castle on the peak of the island, as Allie’s parents and grandparents previously stayed in the castle on a memorable vacation thirty-years ago. On what Allie assumed would be a site-seeing tour, Nate proposed on August 25 in front of the beautiful castle. They spent the evening celebrating with champagne, limoncello, and pizza – their favorite!