Chicago, IL

Mirella & David

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Mirella Medrano and David Mogilnicki
Meet our loved ones who are walking down the aisle with us!

Amanda Henry-Johnson

Maid of Honor

We may not remember meeting in 5th grade, but we've been inseparable since then! My original partner in crime, best friend, sister from another mother and thunder buddy! ~ Mirella

David Summers

Best Man

Our friendship has always been a mixture of intelligent conversation and crude, absurd humor. I guess that's what I can expect from a kid that accidentally gave me a bloody nose in 7th grade. ~ David

Dorothy Allen


David's big sister and my soon to be sister-in-law! I can't wait! ~ Mirella

Ambrosio Medrano Jr


My big brother who everyone thinks ate all my food when I was little, but didn't! And David's soon to be brother-in-law! ~ Mirella

Heather Henry-Johnson


She's the shy one, ever so sweet & loving! My little sister I never knew I always wanted! :-) ~ Mirella

Khris Allen


Szwagier! Ever since my sister brought this guy into the family, I knew he would be like the brother I never had. Love this guy! ~ David

Brittney Moore


My sister from another mister. Even though we went to the same college & had the same major - it took a school trip to New York to bring us together! And I am never letting her go! ~ Mirella

Gwen O'Connor

Junior Bridesmaid

I was lucky enough to be picked as Gwen's nanny by her amazing parents when she was all of 6 months old. My lucky streak has continued as she has become one of the greatest joys of my life. ~ Mirella

Lola Grace Medrano

Ring Bearer

This little one, I am proud to call my oldest niece! She keeps me on my toes and brings so much joy to everywhere she goes! ~ Mirella

Charlotte Medrano

Flower Girl

This little one, I am proud to call my youngest niece! She is a force to be reckoned with and brings so much happiness to everywhere she goes! ~ Mirella