Martina and Andrew met at Rocket Team during her freshman year and his sophomore year at MIT, where they quickly became good friends. Martina remembers letting only Andrew review her avionics bay design, watching Finding Dory, and getting an impromptu ride to the coffee store to avoid an end of term coffee-pocalypse. Andrew remembers redesigning Martina's avionics bay and acting as Martina's personal chauffeur (he was promised a hat to go with this role, but has yet to receive it). They both specifically remember a visit to the Getty Museum during the summer they both interned at SpaceX; Martina remembers waiting in the entrance line, surrounded by couples, feeling grateful to have such a good, non-awkward platonic friend like Andrew, and Andrew remembers being impressed that Martina was more interested in furniture with intricate wooden inlays than famous paintings. Four years later, they went on their first official date, and suddenly it all made more sense. Andrew thought it was adorable that Martina needed to be pushed up the mountain on their first hike (after she shared her disdain for easy hikes, he asked his coworkers for the most challenging hike around), and Martina thought it was perfect that Andrew set off the fire alarm three times the first time he cooked for her (he made steak au poivre, and only his roommate could reach the fire alarm, thanks again Eric). They've been inseparable ever since, sharing life events and adventures, from Andrew's move back to the east coast to moving in together, from skiing the bunny hill to black diamonds, to hiking in Zermatt, and, of course, to raising their puppy, Daisy.