
Greg & Mark



Greg Bloomer


Mark Bozzo

July 12, 2025

Chicago, IL
151 days151 d17 hours17 h10 minutes10 min56 seconds56 s

How We Met

Aug 8, 2020

Greg and Mark met by sheer luck at the height of the pandemic. It was both of their first times going out and socializing since lockdown. That night Greg went to a friend's house, and Mark went to a friend's house. Little did they know these friends were roommates. They wound up hanging out together on the rooftop, and Greg and Mark instantly clicked. They exchanged numbers that night, went on a date two days later, and almost immediately became inseparable. Six months later Mark and his cat Zoey moved in with Greg and his dog Biscuit.

The Engagement

September 6, 2022

Greg and Mark had dreamt of going to Europe together since early in their relationship. They finally took that trip right after their 2 year anniversary. They started in Mykonos. Greg had planned to propose the second day. (Holding onto that ring was stressful!!) They spent the day ATVing around the island and hanging out at a beach club where Mark relaxed and napped and Greg tried not to have a panic attack. Unbeknownst to Mark, Greg spent the day texting with the hotel concierge to coordinate decorating their room. He wanted to buy enough time so that they could return at sunset. When it was still too early to go back, Mark said he was ready to go back. Greg insisted on going to a cocktail lounge before heading home. On the way to the lounge, Mark made an unexpected turn into their hotel, where the concierge was still decorating their room. Greg panicked, stopped Mark, made him get back on his ATV, and lead him to a cocktail lounge on the water. Once Greg got word that the room was ready, they headed back. Mark walked into a room filled with rose petals and candles, champagne, and a ring box sitting on the bed. Everything Greg had planned to say escaped him; he got down on one knee and offered the ring. We all know what Mark said :) They spent the next two weeks traveling through Florence, Pienza, and Rome. They spent most of their time eating, with some sightseeing and partying mixed in. It was amazing.

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For all the days along the way
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