
Makenna & Tanner

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our amazing family and friends who will be with us on the best day of our lives!

Makenna Barton


Hi I'm Makenna and I am so excited for you to be a part of my special day. I can't wait for you to join me in making this dream a reality. I am 23, graduated from NAU, and have been in Flagstaff for the past 5 years. I fell in love with Tanner before I even met him in person. Tanner immediately became my best friend and we have been able to enjoy our same hobbies together ever since.

Tanner Bunch


Hi! my name is Tanner and getting ready to marry the most gorgeous girl in the world! I graduated from NAU with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and currently Striving to create the most comfortable, fun, and loving environment for my bride to be. I Can't wait to live the rest of my days enjoying life and creating memories as a couple. I am so excited to see all of you there on this very special day!

Kyler Quarnburg

Matron of Honor

Kyler is my big sister! Kyler is someone who has been by my side every day and is the most dependable person I know. I am so blessed she can stand up front with me and help be by my side every step of the way. If i look great that day, it's all because of her. She does my hair and my makeup every time I have something I gotta look pretty for! I could not do this special day without her.

Justin Bunch

Best Man

Justin is my youngest and only brother. Growing up with Justin has been a blessing and I definitely need him at my side as my best man. We have done everything together and often found ourselves competing in any and everything. Our vast bank of shared memories makes Justin entitled to know me the best. He will forever be my brother, best friend, and now best man.

Kili Barton

Maid of Honor

Kili is my baby sister. She always will be, despite how old she is getting <3. She definitely keeps me on my toes and lights up the room when she walks in. Ever since she was a little girl she has been right by with me no matter what and no matter when. Hard to believe she's old enough to be my maid of honor now!

Tanner King


The Tanner duo was inseparable during our high-school days. We competed in various sports together and practically spent every day after school hanging out. We consider each other as brothers and our parents would joke about having an adopted son. Tanner is a very important figure in my groomsmen crew.

Ella Dumaplin


Ella is another great friend of mine and someday my sister in law. She has been my brother’s girlfriend for over 2 years and I look forward to their special day. She is my favorite snowboarding partner! When thinking about who I wanted to stand up front with me, Ella was one of them!

Caden Barton


Caden is Makenna's younger brother. Caden is an outstanding individual that is capable of pretty much anything! He has recently joined the Verde Valley Fire crew and continues to put others before himself. Caden also lives by the work hard-play hard motto and pretty much shreds anything he rides. I am very honored and excited to have caden become a family member of my own.

Chandler Dunn


So Chandler is technically my Aunt… our family is big and well rounded but more than that she’s been such great friend to me since I met her! She is married to my mom's brother, Jordan. I’m thankful for her fun, loving spirit. I’m sure I will need her newly married advice at some point, and I know she is always there to talk!!

Hayden Jacob


Hayden is probably the most outgoing and unmistakable friend. His ability to converse with anyone and amuse a crowd is unbeatable. He has been a very dear friend of mine from high-school to college. We have created some very memorable experiences together and I am very excited to have him stand amongst the bridal party.

Kaeleigh Gibson


Kaeleigh is Justin's (Best Man) girlfriend. She has always been around since Tanner and I started dating. She was immediately welcoming and I knew she was going to be a safe place and someone to talk to! Kaeleigh and I continually get closer as time goes on and we cannot wait to be sister in laws one day!

Camden Peterson


Camden is my younger cousin. This gentle giant is a very caring and selfless individual. We grew up down the street from each other and have many memories doing various activities. He always there to go on any adventure and will always lend a helping hand. I am very honored to have Camden in my groomsmen party.

Ava Bunch


Ava is Tanner's younger sister, my soon to be sister in law! Another lady I need by my side! Ava has such a fun personality and is always down to have a good time. She is always there for anyone!

Jack Dolan


Jack is a dear friend of mine. Our friendship dates back to the first grade and has been strong ever since. Jack is one of those friends that I can always depend on. He is always willing to maintain deep conversations about life and manages to make people laugh where ever he goes. Can't wait to have him be a part of my groomsmen crew.

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