
Madeline & Scott

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Madeline Derenze


Scott Bobbitt

Friday June 21st, 2024
Idaho Springs, CO

How They Met

Back in March of 2021, Madeline and Scott were invited by their mutual friend Andrew to go rock climbing at Highwire Crag outside of Golden, Colorado. Scott, never the one to turn down an opportunity to climb, said he would arrive in the late afternoon after attending his sister's virtual baby shower. Andrew and Madeline patiently waited for Scott but were ready to head home before he even got there. Andrew was taking one last turn up the wall when Scott walked up in shorts and a puffy jacket (his signature look) with his climbing gear tossed in a blue Ikea bag. Scott's buzzing energy rubbed off and the trio kept climbing until it got dark. Madeline and Scott chatted and found out they each worked in tech, they both loved rock climbing (duh), and they were both characteristically not from Colorado but were drawn to it for its abundant nature and access to outdoor activities. Eventually they all parted ways. It wasn't necessarily love at first sight, but who can blame them? The crag (rock climbing speak for the area you climb) is not suited for looking one's best.  Over the next few weeks, Madeline and Scott hung out casually amongst friends, neither of them (yet) thinking romantically about the other. Then one day in late March, they decided to go climbing together. Alone. Madeline picked up Scott from his house, and they drove about 30 minutes to Clear Creek Canyon. It was on that drive that Madeline started to realize that this guy was pretty cool. Who knew they had so much in common? That day they climbed, they chatted, they took in the view over the canyon, and the sparks started to FLY. They later made their way to dinner, where they talked and laughed even more before they called it a night. It was on the way to drop off Scott that Madeline, with all her courage and gumption, said to him, "So I think you're pretty cool, and I was wondering if you'd ever want to go out sometime?" Silence. "No pressure at all because we are having fun just being friends, but I think it would be nice if we went on a date." More silence. Scott, in his calm nature, continued to not. say. anything. This was, without a doubt, the longest minute of Madeline's life. After an inordinate amount of time Scott said, "Yeah, let's do it!" Three days later, they went on their first date in Uptown Denver and they've been inseparable ever since.  Over the last few years, the couple has traveled to New York, Ohio, California, Vermont, North Carolina, Texas, and Kentucky. They usually spend their time riding bikes, cooking together, playing out imaginary scenarios that only entertain them, and of course, rock climbing. Their goofy tendencies tie them together, while Madeline's assertiveness and vivacious spirit are balanced by Scott's effortless good nature and kindness. They have learned a tremendous amount about life, happiness, and what true love means from one another. 

How They Got Engaged

It was on an extended trip to Asheville, North Carolina that Scott popped the question. Scott knew Madeline's inquisitive nature didn't leave much room for a surprise, so he had to throw her off the scent in order to propose. It was a Saturday and Scott requested a "me" day where all the activities centered around stuff he wanted to do; namely, go mountain biking. He had been working long hours and wanted a break by doing something that was fulfilling, and Madeline was happy to oblige. Little did she know it was less of a "me" day and more of an "us" day. They made their way over to Richmond Hill and started off on an easy mountain biking course. They were out riding for only a few minutes when Scott requested they stop to "take in the scenery". Then Scott insisted they take a picture, much to Madeline's speculation; Scott is not the type of person to stop a fun time for a photo. He leaned his phone against his helmet, switched it into video mode, walked over to Madeline, got down on one knee, and proposed. All Madeline could do was laugh. She couldn't believe Scott was proposing while she was dressed in the least flattering mountain bike gear. After Scott finished speaking she yelled out "in this OUTFIT?" and he responded back, "in any outfit!". She laughed some more, said yes, and they proceed to laugh and kiss and jump for joy. They made their way back to their AirBnB to change into nicer clothes and then proceeded to drive up into the Blue Ridge Mountains where a mountain side picnic with a killer scenic view was waiting for them.

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