September 25, 2021
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Lori & David

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Monique Conley

Maid of Honor

They say choosing a Maid of Honor is one of the most difficult choices for a Bride to make, but for Lori, it was one of the easiest. Monique is Lori's second cousin, but she is more so a big sister to her. Monique has the most contagious laugh and one of the most genuine, open hearts. She was able to witness Lori grow from a little girl who loved frilly dresses, to the woman she is today. Lori truly admires Monique's joy for life and strength in the adversity she's faced. From camping trips in their childhood, to Starbucks coffee dates today, Monique and Lori have developed a very special bond and sisterhood.

Brian Johnson

Best Man

Brian is the oldest of the three Johnson boys and the tallest, but only slightly. Throughout life, Brian has been an amazing role model and great brother for Dewey to look up to. He has taught Dewey countless lessons, whether on purpose or by observation of Brian getting into trouble. Dewey's ambitions and drive initially developed by trying to be as great as his brothers, and they held a high bar by both getting Eagle Scout, being state volleyball champions and amazing human beings. Brian is one of the most kind and caring people in Dewey's life, and it has been wonderful for Dewey to watch Brian grow as an older brother, husband, and father.

Danielle Otto


To quote Grey's Anatomy, Danielle is Lori's "person." Danielle and Lori go way back to 2007. They met after being cast in the Freshmen-Sophomore play at Nathan Hale High School, bonded over Britney Spears and cruising highway 100, and 13 years later, they're still living it up together in Chicago. Having Danielle as a friend has been a blessing to Lori. Danielle is a hard-working kindergarten teacher, who loves to travel, and can brighten up any room she's in. Many things change in life, but Danielle and Lori's friendship remains a constant.

Michael Johnson

Best Man

Mike is the middle brother of the three Johnson boys. As Dean (see below) says, Mike got all of the cool genes in the Johnson family. Mike also got the full force of creativity of the three, which can be seen in his artwork and T-shirt designs. Dewey always enjoys their countless deep conversations they've had throughout the years, many of which have helped each other through difficult decisions in life. As they both have been competitive in sports and video games (mainly Super Smash Brothers), they are now competing for the title of Coolest Uncle to their niece Charlotte.

Kimberly McBride


Kim and Lori are kindred spirits and call each other their "duplicate." They met at Danielle's 23rd Birthday party, worked together at SmithBucklin for a few years, and have become very close over the past five years. Kim is the type of friend who always keeps it real. She also has the biggest heart and is so receptive to those around her. You can always count on Kim for a deep conversation, a chill wine night, or a fun night out on the town. Lori is so happy to have her "other-other half" standing by her side on her wedding day.

Ryan Ligocki


Ryan is Lori's older brother and first friend. He has taught Lori about many things in life and has been there for her in good times and bad. Ryan can outshine anyone in beer pong and is the world's greatest Dad to his three daughters. Ryan likes to joke that if Dewey wasn't such a great guy, he'd have to kill him, mainly because Dewey is two (three) inches taller than him. After only having a sometimes (most times) annoying little sister, Ryan is very excited to finally call Dewey his brother.

Abeni Docter


Abeni came into Lori's life by chance when they were randomly placed together as roommates for their freshmen year at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Even as close friends, Abeni and Lori have many differences. To name of few: Abeni is a morning person and Lori is a night owl; Lori liked their room hot, while Abeni liked their room cold; despite all of that, they became inseparable in College. They thrive off their similarities and have been able to grow into well-rounded women from their differences. Lori and Abeni have remained close by being each other's pen pal, because no one gets personal mail anymore, and by taking trips to see each other in either Minnesota or Chicago. They say opposites attract, and in this case, they certainly did, which Lori is forever grateful for.

Dean Adams


Dean and Dewey are not best friends by choice; it was an arranged friendship. Dewey's older brothers played volleyball with Dean's two older brothers and always talked about how great it would be when Dean and Dewey finally meet in Junior High. Their friendship solidified at age 12 during a game of chicken: a game of running at each other until someone moves out of the way in fear of colliding. Not them! Dean and Dewey ran at full-sprint straight into each other and fell to the ground. Many of Dewey's favorite memories have been with Dean, and he considers him as a brother. They've been volleyball teammates for 6 years, friends for 17 years, and were robbed of their High School Year Book Award for Cutest Couple.

Jordynn Ligocki


Jordynn and Lori are cousins, even though they look like twins, thanks to the strong Ligocki genes they got from their Dads. Some of Lori's favorite memories have Jordynn in them. Jordynn and Lori spent their childhood climbing the tree in their grandmother's backyard, their summers up north at Jordynn's family's cabin, and their adolescence gushing over cute boys. Lori has always looked up to Jordynn; her kindness, love and dedication to family, and joy for life are what Lori has always admired in her. Lori is so grateful to have remained connected with Jordynn over the years, no matter the miles that have come between them. Lori can't wait to see what the future has in store for both of them and their families, and she is so grateful to have her as a Bridesmaid.

Christopher Reininger


Chris and Dewey were volleyball teammates and both played the middle position at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE). Chris is someone you will usually hear before you see. He has a ton of energy that he brought to the volleyball team and to his friendships. Whenever Dewey got a point, he always heard Chris cheer first. Chris and Dewey have spent a lot of time together at the music festival Bonnaroo and at their annual golf outings in Florida. Chris and his wife, Brittany, are one of Lori and Dewey's favorite couples to spend time with, which all started with beers in Milwaukee, bonding over their common love for Kesha. They now have taken several trips to Chris and Brittany's new home in Atlanta, and their next adventure together will likely be traveling abroad. 

Lauren Ligocki


Ever since this beautiful sunflower was born, she has allowed Lori to know what it's like to have a little sister. From their childhood, spending summers at Lauren's family's cabin, to adulthood in Munich for Oktoberfest, Lauren and Lori have experienced some of the best moments together; Lori's favorite is being able to legally drink with Lauren in Germany before she could legally drink back home. As Lauren's older cousin, Lori has had the joy of seeing her grow from a spunky little girl, into the intelligent, adventurous, dedicated, beautiful young woman she is today. Lori can't wait to see where this life takes Lauren after she graduates from Marquette University in the Spring, and she is so blessed to have her as a Bridesmaid on her wedding day.

Nicholas Kerndt


Even though they are both tall, blond, and ridiculously good looking (Zoolander reference), Dewey and Nick are not related. Nick is one of Dewey's High School friends and was the first to get his driver's license, which paved the way for fun, dangerous, and often illegal activities throughout High School. Dewey and Nick lived together when they moved to Chicago, hosted several unforgettable parties, and allowed each other to indulge in their lack of self control for junk food. The Lay's flavor contest was always a difficult time in the household. Nick has one of the toughest minds and has an unbelievable drive and dedication to his ambitions. He is a go-to person for Dewey's crazy ideas, like 24-hour races in the desert and swimming in Lake Michigan in the middle of winter. 

Samantha Mozal


Lori likes to joke that she stole Sam from Dewey. Sam and Dewey first met through a mutual friend and became fast friends. When Sam and Lori found themselves solo at a wedding while Dewey and Sam's date were off being groomsmen, they decided to become each other's "stand-in" dates. From that day on, Sam has been the Mac to Lori's Cheese. Sam is one of the most selfless people Lori and Dewey know, who would do anything for friends and family. Sam and Lori's friendship has been thriving for the past six years, and Lori is elated to have her fellow Harry Potter and True Crime fanatic standing by her side while she marries the "tall one."

Scott Pucilowski


Scott and Dewey crossed paths when the both lived in Germany during their junior year of College. Right away, Dewey loved how outgoing, funny and adventurous Scott is. At the end of their year studying aboard, Scott joined Aaron (see below) and Dewey for an unforgettable 28-day trip across Europe. Dewey's best memories and stories with Scott were on this trip: many nights out, sleeping in a train station, waking up in the wrong city, and jumping off a world-famous bridge. You can learn a lot about someone when you travel with them for a month, and Dewey grew closer to Scott every day of the trip. Scott was also a tremendous help to Dewey when planning his proposal to Lori, as he took all of the pictures as the masterfully disguised fisherman on the pier.

Mollie Cooper


Dewey and Mollie both attended the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) and went through the same study aboard program in Germany. Lori met Mollie through Dewey (another friend she stole from him!) the summer after they both moved to Chicago. After a few Friday happy hours at Mad River, Mollie and Lori became fast friends. Five years later, after sharing many wine nights, double dates with Dewey and Mollie's wonderful husband Chris, and traveling all the way to Munich together for Oktoberfest, Mollie has become one of Lori's best friends. Mollie is a walking ray of sunshine and is one of the most caring and ambitious women Lori knows. Dewey and Lori can't imagine their wedding day without her being a part of it.

Joshua Avery


Josh is Dewey's (beach volleyball) partner. They originally met playing together at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE). Aside from their common love for volleyball and each other, Josh is one of the kindest people Dewey knows. For most weeks in the fall and winter, Dewey would spend the night at Josh and his wife Erin's home after games during their volleyball league season. Josh and Erin both welcomed Dewey as a member of their family, eating dinner with him and watching TV together. Dewey was there so much, they even considered buying "His", "Her", and "Dewey" towel sets. Dewey is very excited to have his partner standing up as a Groomsman while he marries his other partner, Lori.

Alixandra Ligocki DeKeyser

Junior Bridesmaid

Alixandra brought Lori into Auntiehood, over a decade ago. She is and always will be Lori's Little Goose. Alixandra enjoys spending time with her little sisters, her neighborhood friends, and crafting away in Minecraft. She is growing up (too fast) to be a kind, smart, beautiful young lady. Lori is so excited to have her Goose standing by her side as a Junior Bridesmaid on her wedding day.

David Barth


David is Lori's oldest (and most fun) cousin. Their mothers are twins, so Lori has always looked up to him like her older brother. Dave is not only a fantastic DJ but a fantastic father of five! Lori and Dewey have had some of the best times with Dave during their family's annual trip to the Wisconsin Dells and at holiday parties at Dave's house. Dewey and Lori are so excited to have Dave in their wedding party!

Daniel Courtney


Danny is one of Lori's best friends from College and one of Dewey's favorite people. Danny is a life-long learner and loves to open himself up to new experiences. Danny and Dewey have bonded in recent years and have even traveled to Utah together for a conference to explore and grow their own side businesses. You can always count on Danny to bounce new ideas off of or to have a deep conversation with. Dewey and Lori are so glad to have Danny in their Wedding Party as an Usher.

Aaron Fuss


Aaron is Dewey's friend and volleyball teammate from High School. One of Dewey's favorite quotes from Aaron is "a night of drinking with someone is equal to a month of friendship." If that is the case, these two have been friends for several lifetimes. Aaron is one of the funniest people Dewey knows and a master of crafting exciting but dangerous ideas. Aaron has been one of Lori and Dewey's favorite people to see during their many trips to Colorado, during which they've hiked mountains, tasted Aaron's crafted beer, and laughed until their sides hurt and needed to go home. 

JJ Ligocki


J.J. and Lori are cousins and grew up together. They were both the second-born in their immediate families, so they bonded in their childhood, having the follow their older siblings and cousins around. In their adulthood, they've developed a close friendship and have shared great experiences together, from nights out in Chicago to Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. J.J. is a hard-working, family-oriented, world traveler, who is like a brother to Lori. You can always count on J.J. for an insightful conversation or as someone to grab a beer with. Lori and Dewey are so grateful he can be a part of their Wedding Day as one of their Ushers.

Amanda DeKeyser

Bridal Attendant

Amanda and Lori go all the way back to 1996 when they were in the same 1st Grade Class at General Mitchell Elementary School. Little did they know that they would be forever connected in the most wonderful way, through love and family. Amanda and Lori's brother Ryan fell in love in High School, have a lovely home together, and have three beautiful daughters. Amanda is a wonderful Mother to Lori's nieces and is stronger than she will ever know. Amanda will mostly be attending to her daughters - two of the flower girls and the Junior Bridesmaid - but nonetheless, Lori and Dewey are so excited that Amanda will be a part of their wedding day as a Bridal Attendant.

Lisa Snider

Bridal Attendant

Lisa and Dewey first met when they were kids, as their families have been friends for years. In recent years, Lori and Lisa have had the privilege of getting to know each other, as Lisa's relationship with Dewey's older brother Mike has flourished. They've spent many family holidays together and shared some great experiences, like hiking the Grand Canyon and conquering the Devil's Bridge in Arizona. Lori sees Lisa as such a fun, strong woman; she's so happy to see their friendship and Mike and Lisa's relationship blossoming. Dewey and Lori are beyond thrilled to have Lisa part of their wedding day as a Bridal Attendant.

Jean Ligocki


Jean is Lori's Aunt and Dewey's second favorite Ligocki, who shares their love of travel and dogs. Dewey and Lori love sharing travel stories with Jean and her wife Jill during their yearly visits to Chicago or Jean and Jill's beautiful Victorian home they are renovating in Stoughton, WI. Jean has been a confidant and role model to Lori and Dewey, and they are so grateful to have her officiating their wedding ceremony.

Olivia Ligocki

Flower Girl

Olivia is Lori's God Daughter, and Lori's brother Ryan's mini-me. She has the most contagious smile and laugh; has the bounciest curls; and is a little ball of energy. She loves to dance; to follow her big sister Alixandra around; and boss her little sister Belle around. Her favorite snuggle buddy, besides her Auntie Lori, are her kitties Roxie, Jax, and Neko. Her Auntie Lori and Uncle Dewey can't wait for her to be one of their Flower Girls in their wedding.

Isabella Ligocki

Flower Girl

Isabella (Belle) is the cutest little chunk and makes Lori's Brother's family complete. She loves to follow her big sisters Alixandra and Olivia around and is the happiest, smiley-est little girl. Her Auntie Lori and Uncle Dewey are so excited to see her running along side Olivia and Charlotte as a Flower Girl at their wedding.

Benjamin Feieriesen

Ring Bearer

Benjamin (Benny) is the coolest little dude in the Ligocki/Feieriesen family. He loves his mommy Jordynn (Ligocki); he's a Disney and Star Wars fanatic, and roots for the Brew Crew just like his parents. He stole Lori's heart the moment she met him, but he will make sure no one steals the weddings rings as Lori and Dewey's Ring Bearer.

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