April 19, 2020

Elizabeth & Gabriel

    Wedding Party
Lighted Garland

Wedding Party

A mixture between the family we were born with and the ones we choose.

Gabriel Rodfong


Elizabeth Braswell


Suzanne Braswell

Mother of the Bride

When two people come together everyone sees a cute couple, but when Elizabeth and Gabe came together it was like two magnets. That strong bond and love is more obvious each day and you can feel it! They have had Joy's and sorrows, good times and hard, but always stuck together, they have each others back! I love my baby girl with all my heart and soul, I always will and I am so blessed to have my heart filled with so much love for my wonderful son I'll gain. I'm excited for the amazing journey ahead, the paths not always smooth, but if you hold on to each other it will be steady! Thank you, Mom

Erik Braswell

Father of the Bride

I'm so proud to see my baby girl turn into the beautiful woman you've become. I pray you and Gabe have a lifetime of happiness, love and prosperity.

Ksan Brueckmann

Maid of Honor

I am excited to be apart of the wedding because I get to see my best friend take the next big step in her life and commit to the love of her life! I can't wait for all the memories of your guy's special day

Ryan Hersch

Best Man

Gabe and Lizzie,  I cannot express how happy I am to be able to be a part of this celebration for you two, and your new chapter in life. You are both such amazing people, and you are so great together.  You bring out the absolute best in each other and I know you two will build an amazing future. I'm beyond excited for the big day and the wonderful memories that will be made.

MaKenzie Crystal


Have you ever met someone and just know you're going to be friends for the rest of your life? That's how I felt when I met Lizzie, but more importantly that's what these two see in each other. It's so amazing how these two souls came together and found happiness. I can see the love they share and how pure and beautiful it is. Thank you for letting me be a part of this celebration. Love forever and always for the both of you.

Hunter Klenk


Im so excited to see Gabe and Liz take this next step in life together. Its been truly amazing to watch one of my closest friends form such a strong bond with someone. Im so happy for you guys and wish you both a lifetime together in happiness!

J.W Simonton


If you look in the dictionary under passionate, you would find Gabe and Liz. Passionate for each other, some may say is an understatement.

Breanna Jensen


I’m so happy for Lizzie to have found someone that loves and cherish’s her so much. I’m excited to be able to be apart of the big day and the adventures ahead.

Conner Sanchez


Two of my closest friends are embarking on a lifelong journey. Gabe and Lizzie are both loving, supportive, and incredible people. I am blessed to know them and am excited to watch these two grow together. Congratulations!

Chloe Dernovich


I've known Liz and Gabe for years and they are such unique and great people. Though, It's undeniable that they are so much greater together. Within the perfect blend of Liz"s free spirited, firecracker personality and Gabe's easy-going, determined mentality, the sky is the limit for them. I feel so lucky to be apart of this special time and I cant wait to see what the future holds for the both of you!! Congratulations!!!

Brady Ballinger


To Liz and Gabe, Two young love birds who have decided to take their life, love, and devotion to the next level. I couldn't be more happy for you two and I know you guys are gonna do great great things together. My boy Gabe, You're the man and got yourself an amazing woman. You guys are awesome and you are perfect for each other I'm proud of you two. Treat each other right! You both deserve it. Love you guys and I cant wait to celebrate!!! Eskketttitttt

Ambri Sheahan


Hard to believe were not those little girls anymore, swinging on the swing set, always singing our hearts out, picturing what we wanted to be when we grew up. Crazy to think that here we are, we are those grown ups. And this being something we've always dreamt about. So unbelievably happy for you my friend, and your new husband! Here's to a beautiful marriage and a long happy life! With much love -Ambri

Justice Folk


Gabe!! Who would of guessed you would settle down! I’m so proud of you and the journey you made you couldn’t of found a better girl for you! You two are going to do great things in this world! I’m blessed to be a part of your special day and don’t worry the fun starts after the ceremony- love you guys so much congrats.

Sarah Jurkoic


To Liz and Gabe, Though I haven't know the two of you long I'm honored to be a part of so much love. It's clear to see that you're each other's best friends. All I ask is that you continue to laugh and love. You guys are absolutely amazing together, and individually. I am so for you to continue this journey and grow together. From the deepest part of heart I say, "Congratulations!" to the happy couple.

Craig Parsek


Gabe and Liz, Since the first time I saw you two together, I knew you were perfect for one another. It's hard to believe that one of my closest friends is getting married! i cannot congratulate you two enough, I know you'll spend the res of your lives together happily!

For all the days along the way
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