
LeAnn & Colton







May 4, 2024

Norwalk, OH

Our Story

The beginning of a love story…

As some of you may know, we met on the internet, Tinder, specifically. For those of you who did not know that, surprise! We met in the fall of 2021, the Erf family was right in the middle of harvest. Colton was sure I was just leading him on because I would not go out with him until the first rain kicked us out of the fields (that was 2 weeks after we met). Sure enough though, it rained, and we headed out for our first real date. Ironically enough, we both were trying to play it cool and not share all our random nerdy facts with each other at dinner. Of course, that did not last long and soon enough we realized we were both filled with random trivia facts and shared a love for the Star Wars franchise. Quite frankly, the rest is history. We soon realized we were each others best friend and never looked back. In July of 2022 Colton and I decided we wanted to look at rings! I would later find out that he went right back and got the ring I had loved so much. I recall numerous times asking him if he had talked to my parents or gotten the ring, to which he always said “no”. To my surprise on December 29, 2022 he asked me to marry him in front of our Christmas tree with our two sweet pups alongside (Oakley and Nemo). We eagerly told each of our closest friends and family in the following days and jumped right into wedding planning. We realized that May 4th was on a Saturday in 2024 and decided then and there we would be married on Star Wars day! The planning has been much less stressful than I anticipated, but I do have Colton’s calm demeanor to thank for that. We are both so excited to be able to share our beautiful day with our closest friends and family! May the force be with you ;)

The Proposal


Shortly after Christmas, we were headed home from dinner at my sister and brother-in-law’s new house. On the car ride home I said to Colton that I thought it was so sweet Charlee gave him a hug before we left since I wanted her to be our flower girl when we eventually get married. He happily agreed and changed the subject. Looking back he was definitely more quiet than usual at dinner but in the moment I didn’t think anything of it. We arrived home and Colton headed inside, I followed along behind but got distracted by the dogs (who in hindsight were definitely part of the plan). When I finally got in the house Colton said “Hey, what is this in the Christmas tree?”. I walked over and look at the tree and for a split second I thought, “Omg!! What if there is a ring in the tree!!!”. But there was not a ring in the tree. I turned around to tell him there was nothing when I found him on one knee in front of me with the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen. He asked me to make him the happiest man in the world and be his wife and I said, without an ounce of hesitation, “YES!!!!”.

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For all the days along the way
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