
Leah & Riley



Leah Mae Gruber


Riley Conner Eidemiller


August 2, 2024

Grantville, PA

How We Met

November 2020

Riley and I began talking on Hinge in the last couple months of 2020. The world was coming out of the tail end of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic which made the dating scene more difficult than usual. I had been on and off the app for awhile but decided to take a chance before giving it a final break. When I came across Riley's pictures, he was not only handsome but seemed like a good guy. I "liked" one of his pictures, and likewise he "liked" one of mine. We began chatting back and forth very sporadically (mainly due to my extremely delayed replies), but somehow the conversation continued. I was unsure if our conversation was going to be one that came and went, or if it would turn into something more which it obviously did. If you told me I was talking to the man I would marry, I would probably have laughed in disbelief. Fast forward to January 9th, 2021, the day we had our first date at Riley's apartment in Lititz. This is the exact apartment we still share today. Among our initial conversations we quickly discovered our common love for tacos and beer which became the basis of our first date. At this point, Riley and I have never Facetimed or Snapchatted each other to confirm we were real people, so I was going in blind (sorry Mom). Young and naive, I drove over to Riley's apartment with a gut feeling that everything was going to be fine. Minutes before I arrived, Riley hauled bags of taco supplies upstairs to the empty apartment he moved into that same day. I couldn't tell you what we talked about that night, but Riley and I both remember feeling like we had known each other forever. I quickly knew the bet we took on each other would pay off to last a lifetime.

The Proposal


We had planned to spend Memorial Day weekend in Philadelphia, one of our favorite cities. The weather was beautiful and reaching up to 80 degrees that day. As we left the house Riley said, "Maybe we should take a sweatshirt with in case it gets cold later", which I thought was a great idea as I am always cold (completely clueless). Once we made it into the city, Riley and I had a few hours to kill before meeting back up with the crew. A couple hours and drinks later, we speed walked our way back to Washington Square park where we were to meet back up with everyone. The entire walk, Riley was complaining that his butt hurt (I thought he was just legitimately whining) and kept wanting to hold my hand (so romantic) which of course I thought was so cute. Meanwhile, he was probably having mini heart attacks the entire time. We were already running late after I pushed Riley to stop at one more bar for a sangria. Once we finally made it back to the park, I was more worried about not finding our crew while Riley was trying to propose (still completely clueless). Before I put two and two together, Riley was holding my hands and the people began cheering. At this moment I realized what was going on, Riley got down on one knee, I said "YES" and the celebrating began! Best. Weekend. Ever.

For all the days along the way
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