October 28, 2023
Queens, NY

Elvis & Lanisa

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party






Maid of Honor

I met Lanisa 25 years ago and ever since then I’ve had the pleasure of calling her my sister. She is patient, kind and her love is enduring. Lanisa has never missed a beat when it comes to being there for me as a friend, listening ear, and most importantly my sister. Our bond has grown closer over the years and having her is my sister is a blessing I will never take for granted.



I met Lanisa of course through my brother. After spending only a couple of weeks with her, he told me “she’s the one”. I knew at the moment, Lanisa was one of a kind, special because my brother isn’t the weak in the knees kind of guy. Lanisa is a very kind, thoughtful, and all around complete package. I’m so thankful my brother has found true love in her.



Penny Gibson Penny Gibson (1 of many Best friends of the bride) Lanisa LeTang where do I begin? We became friends over 15 years ago in a small rural town Xenia, Ohio to attend the first private HBCU Wilberforce University. I didn’t talk with people much, however Lanisa always spoke to me and complimented me on my nails. The first week of school we became close with a few others Mikel, Kimberly, Jasmine and Shanita. Lanisa is such a kind hearted, fun, honest, loyal and most importantly loving human being. I’m so glad our paths align because these last 15 years have been some of the best years. We made a lot of mistakes and spent many nights laughing, crying and talking about our futures beyond Wilberforce. You met a few knuckles heads before you met your Prince Elvis. Elvis came at the right time and I couldn’t be happier standing up with you both while you say “I do”. I am grateful for your love and friendship. I love you LeTang-Harvey.



Who’s a friend who is just a call away? Lanisa! Who’s a friend to call when you know they going to tell you the real ? Lanisa Who’s a friend you talk to all the time ? Lanisa Who is a friend that loves your kids just as much as you ? Lanisa!!! Who’s a friend you love like a sister? LANISA aka Soon to Be Mrs. Harvey! Lanisa and I met back in 2004-2005 at Brentwood High School. Instantly we connected! From stealing my parents car and taking Lia and Shantel with us..To being on the phone with me during every delivery..To growing through all types of situations together! 2011, 2012 and 2017 to current Lanisa you have been there! What a FRIEND! Jaylen, Jeremy and Cyia will always know their Godmother’s love too! I love you Leli Letang and I’m so blessed to share my babies with you until you share yours with me! I thank you for these years and pray we get to create many more! Love you girl so thankful I am here able to be a bridesmaid and to share a lifetime moment with you! I knew we’ll be friends forever Mrs. Weissman confirmed it! “Don't know what I'd ever do without you...From the beginning to the end You've always been here right beside me ..So, I'll call you my best friend”.



God has a way of bringing people in your life at just the right time. Who would’ve thought working in a stressful environment could bring you a sister friend for life. I knew it was real when we took that bomb ass pic celebrating your birthday at 900 Park. We’ve celebrated every birthday together since. To my dearest friend, all I can say is thank you!!! Thank you for your unconditional love, your patience, loving without judgement and always being my listening ear. Lastly, thank for sharing your amazing family and friends. I admire your drive, your confidence, your resilience and your willingness to love. To Elvis, thank you for loving my sister friend, for showing her that love is indeed, patient and kind. Thank you for allowing her to be vulnerable enough to let her guard down and let you lead. Thank you for seeing her worth and matching her fly. I’m so happy be to doing this thing called life with y’all. To my hood good sis, you about yo be a whole wife !!!!!!!! I’m so happy be to doing this thing called life with y’all!!!! Continue to be the good lighting in every bomb ass pic lol. Love always and forever, Your Tabby



Lanisa and I met in 2015 at work and I would not have foreseen that coworkers would have led to a sisterhood. I don’t know when it happened or what triggered it but in getting to know her I have found a confidante, a therapist, and a sister. Over the years through the best and worst parts of my life I have always had her in my corner to cheer for me or talk me off a ledge. She supports, she loves, she encourages and she listens to those that are lucky to have her in their lives. And it’s has been nothing but a pleasure to have her in mine.



My Lala Coworkers turned family. I meet Lanisa (lala) in 2016 when I started working at NYF. With my growing belly I was easily welcomed in and looked after by a group of amazing women one being Lanisa. very quickly we grew a bond and in no time became close. The love, the support and encouragement has been truly amazing. From catching up at dinner to karaoke car rides, through venting and silent tears, through turn up sessions, Through love and heart break, through finding happiness again. Through fear , Lanisa has been my peace even when she doesn’t realize it. Through highs and lows. I could only hope that I’ve been just as much to her. I love her entire soul and I am truly grateful to be on this journey with her. although it been 6 year going on 7 it feels like I’ve know lala for ever. Aunty lala to my baby and a good sis to me. Love you down forever.



We met in college. She didn’t like me because I greeted people with a head nod. One day I said hi & Lanisa started open up to me.Over time our relationship grew & we became Sorors!!! All the investigations we went on, to coordinating amazing events has made our bond stronger. These past four years we’ve gotten soooo close!!!! I didn’t think we could of gotten closer but we did and I’m forever grateful for that!!! Love you babyyyy its your time to shine!!!!



Lanisa is my eldest cousin. She also happens to be one of the kindest, most encouraging person I know. If someone were to have a bad opinion about her, they’re all liars and I would be in her corner no matter what. She possesses a confidence that rubs off on people that truly know her. Her ability to push people to be the best version of theirselves is one of the most amazing traits she has. In the 25 years that I’ve known her, we’ve done many things together. I’ve cried tears with Lanisa and laughed with her. I’ve mourned losses, celebrated wins. She has seen all of my phases of life. Lanisa would babysit from time to time and look after my siblings and myself when I was younger. Even when she had to put her foot down she always reminds me that her intentions are pure. Her soul radiates comfort and love. She is capable of turning even some of my darkest moments into light. During the tragic events that transpired on 9/11/2001, my family was home and worried for my mom, who was working in the city. I was maybe four years old, totally oblivious as to how vicious this attack was at the time. However, I have a memory permanently ingrained in my head of a song that we all made. She kept us kids distracted from the tragedies. She made sure we laughed and smiled. She is the life of the party and anyone who knows her will attest to that! My testimony of Lanisa is so strong, and I only know her as one who provides care and love.



As I look at the person I have become and the confidence that I exude one person who led me to this path is Lanisa. Nisa you were my first big sister, you always encouraged me to pursue my talents and goals. You have always been a ear to listen when I need it. Even though you met me first you have inspired me to always do the right thing. From teaching me how to dance like the heal and toe, bruk up and so much more. Thank you for being you and being the best person I know and love so dearly.



Dear Lanisa, Soooo I don’t exactly remember when I first met you because I was a baby lol. But from what I can remember when I was smaller I don’t know the age but I was always sleeping over at the time and I always wanted to be near you as much as possible. I would talk your ear off about what ever popped into my head (I know I was a chatterbox sorry you had to endure that) and I always wanted to have sleepovers in your room so you letting me (you were probably annoyed I wouldn’t leave you alone but I’m happy you didn’t say it to my face lol). You always try to get me involved in activities or just to talk because I’m not the most social person and can be awkward at times but I’m thankful for those interactions. You’re always the life of the party no matter where you are and I always enjoy being in your company. From my first memory of you to my future memories I know that you will always be a person that I’d like to have in my life without hesitation. Love you forever and more Nia❤️



Liquor Tang It was a cold winter day when I laid eyes on this beauty we all know as Lanisa. The Foundling made us co-workers but Atlantic City made us family. We have been soul sisters since 2015 and we haven’t let up since. I love this girl and so happy for the Union that is to take place.



Story Time: Lanisa and I met through our sorority of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., back in 2019. Once acquainted I joined Nisa’s committee of Sisterly Relations and its been a whirlwind of love and excitement ever since. I was drawn to Lanisa’s personality type of digging deeper and wanting to see the bigger picture. Through planning events and spending time with one another, I felt seen as a friend and she hasn’t let up since. We’ve bonded over shared life experiences and even wondered a time or two how we ran in the same circles and never once met each other. Through our bonding time we have realized my grandmother and her mother used to work together. One family event after another and im riding with my pooda pop til the wheels fall off. Count me in family its only up from here. 



Lanisa and I met in 2013. We were introduced being I am with her 1st lil cousin Cory. She immediately and genuinely was herself. Kind-hearted, supportive , loved a good laugh , extra but truly loving. Her persona allows anyone around her to feel comfortable while having a great time & that has always been an asset to the connection we are growing. She's always made sure I was okay; physically, pyscologially , and emotionally even through my motherhood journey. I will always have a special place for Lanisa because she is a wonderful human being and deserves true love in return to which she is surrounded with. ❤️



Aug. 2007 was move in day at Wilberforce University. I walked past Lanisa’s (Lele is her nickname that I eventually gave her) room as she was moving into 2 Askew. She and her mom were unpacking her room. I remembered she had so much stuff to unpack. I would soon learn her name is Lanisa LeTang from Queens. A day or two after we moved in we started to become cool through a mutual friend Jasmine who was her roommate. They were both from the East coast and all three of us hit it off. Sometimes we would be outside on the yard just excited to be away from home. She was down to earth, funny, caring and sweet with the thickest NY accent. We had our freshmen mixer that same week we moved in and Lanisa represented for New York with the infamous dance “ The Aunt Jackie” she hit every single move. Ever since the day we met Lanisa she has truly embraced and displayed what the true definition of a friend is. Standing up with me through the thick and the thin. We experienced growing up together at Wilberforce. She is the true definition of a sister and a friend. Lanisa been with me through many life changing moments and is always consistent. She isn’t afraid to say what needs to be said in love and that is one of thing I loved about her from day one. I am super excited and blessed to witness this union of love with a person whose heart is so beautiful and deserving.



“Troop 4268 ,Dr. Robinson’s Girl Scouts!” — we met spending Saturday mornings planning and practicing for Girl Scout activities and events. Lanisa has been one of the staple members of my inner circle over the past 25 years. Little did we know we would be planning weddings together preparing for the next 25+ years. Cheers to friendship and cheers to love ❤️



One thing about Lanisa is she’s going to be a friend in the truest definition of the word. From being silly children to carefree teenagers, then on to serious adults, Lanisa has literally been there for it all: picking outfits for Fashion Shows with Girl Scouts when we were 7/8 to picking graduate school programs when we were 30. It is rare for a friendship to be as long lasting as ours. I am honored to be part of this milestone celebration and many more.



So we met in 2003 at Benjamin Cardozo High school. I believe we were all cutting our lunch period. A mutual friend brought Lanisa along and I gained an awesome friend since then. Even though we Getting old and I don’t remember the convo exactly (lol)but I just remember Lanisa was all smiles with her glasses on and her cross body book bag.



I had the great pleasure of meeting Elvis through my cousin Lanisa. From the 1st time, Elvis and I met we clicked instantly and his demeanor was very family oriented which let me know he'd probably be around for a while. Fast forward to today and here we are counting down the days until lanisa and Elvis are one. I'm glad to call him family and excited about yall future. Congratulations again cousins. Best wishes - Cory





Elvis and I met at church playing on the band. We connected through our love of cooking and music. Since knowing Elvis, I can say that he is one of the humblest people I know. A great friend, someone you can depend on, and since Lanisa has been in the picture she has only added to his greatness! I wish you two nothing but but success and happiness, I can’t wait to celebrate with you both!





I’m am extremely excited and happy for what the future will bring for Elvis and Lanisa. May your marital journey be filled with love and joy. Much love, Hamilton and family.



I met Elvis in church on our band the Clouds of Heaven. At the time we were probably the youngest on the group and clicked instantly. We became brothers to one another staying over each others homes and even when I moved to school and Elz to NY we always found away to stay connected. Being older now and understanding alot more, a true brotherhood we found as kids is more important now to keep us both level headed and always push each other to the next level in life. MY BROTHA!!



Where do I begin! Met Aaron through my cousin since middle school & have been homies ever since. Always had a positive outlook on life, stayed fresh, & we’ve had some wild times together! A dope individual to have in your corner. A1 solid dude & I love to see how God has blessed you thus far. Much love bruh ✊🏾



Aaron is my big Brother.



I had the pleasure of meeting Elvis three years ago. Although I didn't know much about him or who he was, I immediately sensed his genuine care for my sister. As the years passed and I got to know Elvis better, spending time together during holidays and family BBQs, I truly enjoyed his company. Each time he visited, I felt a sense of excitement. Now, three years later, he is happily engaged to my beautiful sister, and I couldn't be happier that he is the one for her. I can’t for the day when I can officially refer to him as my brother. Congratulations to the Harvey family!




Best Man

“I met Elvis known to me as Aaron, when we were about 7 years old that's over 30 years of brotherhood I say brotherhood because we have been through almost everything together. We saw each other grow as men. I can't remember Aaron not ever being there. When I got my first pair of clippers, it was on a Saturday night that was the day I knew we were best friends/brothers. He let me practice on his hair lol and it was my first time, we ended up in church the next morning with bald heads to my brother and sister Mr. Mrs. Harvey I pray that you'll have a lot of success in the building of your union Love you you continue to walk with God and be forever. Blessed yours truly David, best friend and brother.”





I extend my heartfelt wishes to you and your beloved on the occasion of your union. It brings to mind a fond memory of my first encounter with Elvis during a church service. As members on different musical group, My brother and I were mesmerized by the melodious sound of Elvis trombone. Little did I know then that I would have the honor of being part of the same brass ensemble as Elvis in the years to come. As destiny would have it, I eventually assumed the role of the band's director. During this transition, it was individuals like Elvis who instilled in me the confidence and faith that I needed to succeed. His unwavering support and assurance that he would always stand by my side as I served in the capacity as director the were invaluable. It is with this same selflessness, devotion, and dedication that I am confident, without a doubt that God will bless him abundantly in his journey with his soon-to-be bride. May God be with you both, I send my best wishes and congratulations to both of you. Much love, Teddy


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