
Please Join Us to Celebrate Our Marriage!

    Venue & Schedule








June 3, 2023

Binghamton, NY

How We Met


We met by chance, on February 3rd 2017. Both of us were going out to meet friends and listen to live music on a Friday night. Kevin drove 75 miles from Livingston Manor to Endicott, NY. I only drove 15 minutes. The funny thing is, we both wondered why we should bother going out at all? I had worked all week and was exhausted, but I promised my friend I would come out. I got ready to go out, but still wasn't feeling it... I threw myself down on my bed, an internal discussion of all the pros and cons commenced. The pros won, I peeled myself off my cozy bed and headed out the door. At the same time, Kevin was already driving down a long stretch of highway wondering where he was going, and if he would vibe with a new circle of friends. He thought, the worst that can happen is that he would get to listen to some good music. Little did we know that not only were we meeting with mutual friends, but we would meet each other for the first time. From the first hello, we seemed connected on so many levels. It was a magical night, full of very loud music, friends, foes, fun, fights, and all the makings for a great Quentin Tarantino movie in a dingy little bar named Topper. We talked every day for 2 weeks before our first date, and our lives haven't been the same since. We count ourselves incredibly lucky to have found our soulmate and to be able to share the second part of our lives together is a dream come true.

The Engagement


On the weekend of October 11th 2020 Kevin took Kimburlee away for a little rest and relaxation. He knew she always wanted to go to Mohonk Mountain, so the trip was a surprise for her birthday. She knew he was a romantic, but she had no idea he had planned the trip for months. They stayed at a cute little air bnb at the edge of the Mohonk Mt. reserve. Kevin had planned a hike from the beautiful Mohonk Mt. House to the top of Sky Tower for the stunning views of the valley. It would take them about 2 hours to climb the trails, ladders, squeeze through and under giant boulders and rocks, hop over ledges and make their way to the top. Once they climbed to the final destination at Sky Tower, Kevin handed Kimburlee his phone and told her to record him. He began to profess his love for her, and got down on bended knee. It was only when he pulled a small box from his pocket that she squealed in delight and realized the man of her dreams was proposing! Kevin asked Kimburlee to marry him in front of a crowd of strangers, she is sure that she heard a woman's voice behind her say "Say yes, say yes!" and she of course said YES! All the strangers clapped. You can see their hike and surprise engagement video on their YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7lQlAKPlU4

Surprise We Eloped!

Our Wedding, Our Way.

We have changed our plans many times! Originally we had our tickets bought to spend a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Thailand. We had planned to backpack from Bangkok to Koh Lanta and then have a private wedding ceremony on the beach. But Covid happened, and the world stopped! We were lucky the airline refunded our plane tickets in full. Gatherings were now greatly restricted because of covid. So we then decided to do a small intimate wedding with just our closest friends and family. We were very concerned about making sure nobody felt left out, and we began to search for a new venue. We ended up changing the date two more times, and the venue we fell in love with became a chore to secure with all the red tape and paperwork. It was honestly overwhelming, and we asked ourselves who is this for? Who's day is this? Will our loved ones love us any less if we just go jump the broom on our own? We decided to elope on our 6-year anniversary. We planned our special day in less than 2 weeks. Everything flowed perfectly and all the pieces fell into place as if it were meant to be, just like the night we met. Our wedding day was magical and we hope you will help make our wedding celebration magical!

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For all the days along the way
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