SCHEDULE UPDATE!! Bar Opens at 2pm & Meal Starts at 5pm - helpers to get up stairs will arrive at 3pm
SCHEDULE UPDATE!! Bar Opens at 2pm & Meal Starts at 5pm - helpers to get up stairs will arrive at 3pm

Kevin & Bethany

    Wedding Party

Can’t Wait To Celebrate!

Bethany Gosar


Kevin Beisner

September 16, 2023

Our Unofficial Meeting

Our Unofficial Meeting: Unofficially, we met at a Christmas Party at Nutz Deep, I went up to the bar to get a drink and some drunk guy spun around on his bar stool and said “hey how’s it goin” I said “it’s goin” and he proceeded to make drunken small talk.. I got a kick out of the goofy drunk guy at the bar, even told mom about the encounter…it wasn’t until after our 1st official date that my dad told me he was at that Christmas party and I remembered that goofy drunk guy and realized Kevin was the goofy drunk guy… so we unofficially met the December before our 1st official meeting

Our Official Meeting:

Officially we met on a dating website. We had been talking for a few weeks nothing too in-depth just hey how was your day kind of thing, his profile was all group pictures so I really didn’t know which one he was and wasn’t really sure what he looked like. I was trying to get back on the dating horse and thought he seemed nice enough to give him a try… I had to push him a bit to get a 1st date out of him. It was at that time when he told me he worked at Land-o-Lakes, so as soon as the date was set I called my dad (who also worked at Land-o-Lakes) and asked him if he knew him and what he thought of him. Dad asked Why? After I told him we had a date set-up, My dad said, without hesitation “Don’t Fuck it up!” Then chuckled and gave him some high praises… come date night I walk into Little Club (still having no idea what he looks like) and I see a really good looking guy on the other side of the bar by himself and ask if his name was Kevin. he said yes (he later admitted he was tempted to say no just to mess with me, but decided against it). It was the best date of my life, we talked all night long, one of those dates where it feels like it’s just the two of you in the room… I don’t think I laughed so hard in my life. I remember at one point he got up to go to the bathroom and I don’t know how I did it, but I tipped his barstool over, as I picked it up, I joked about how the barstools was falling for him and he did his fake laugh that he does at all of my corny jokes… we ended up closing Little Club down that night and he was nice enough to go start my car for me… as he walked me to my car I remember thinking this is the Man I am going to spend the rest of my life with. He gave me a half hug and we made half-ass plans to watch the packer game together on Sunday. This was Friday night and Saturday he was going to Minnesota for Monster Jam, so by 9ish I hadn’t heard from him and was thinking maybe the date didn’t go as I thought… I had asked him on our date “so they say the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so what’s the quickest way to your heart?” He answered without hesitation “COOKIES!” I was already planning on baking red velvet cake cookies that night so I made a cookie and frosting sandwich and sent a picture to him saying I remembered he liked cookies so I would package some up and send them with dad for him, he replied back almost instantly talking about getting together for the game. After that he started sending me photos and videos of Monster Jam. We did get together that Sunday for the game at my place. Fast forward almost 10 years later, and here we are.

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